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Port Washington - Lake Michigan 4/21/07 #2
First trip out this year on the big pond resulted in a mixed limit of Browns and L.Trout. Took my brother-in-law and nephew out so were only able to run 9 lines. Mostly ran 4 'up top' off the dual boards, 4 sliders and 1 long line straight back - didn't bother dropping anything on the down riggers.

Fish size wasn't what we expected but, we have fish for the grill and smoker for a few months and can start releasing the uninjured smaller fish. Sizes ranged from lil' shaker Browns up to @ 7-8lbs most were @ 3-4lb range. The 3 Lakers were @ that 7-8lb mark also.

Varied speed from 1.6 to 2.2.

Most productive were spoons in: cracked-ice/green-holo, green-holo/silver-holo, wonderbread, and watermelon. One fish on a white jointed deep minnow stick on the long-line.

"Uncle TJ" forgot to charge the camera battery before I left but, I managed to snap a few before it wouldn't work.. hey, for the first run of the year - charging the camera was the least of my worries [Wink].

Nothing like a calm Lake Michigan sunrise!

Put a little charge on the camera after I sent the boat cooler home with my brother-in-law and nephew - heres what I put into my freezer last night - 8 of the "griller" size fish. 
Nice report and nice pics too. It looks like you guys had a good time out there.[cool]
Yea, we had a great time, thanks! I could've done w/o the first sunburn of the year though. Was great seeing my nephew haul the fish in.. the Smile on his face every time we go out there is priceless!

Great report, and pics! Its always good to get kids onto a few fish too! Great work!
Thanks, bkidder. Was a rough day concerning sizes but, at least we were able to find some that were willing to play!

Hopefully I'll have more to share with better results this weekend.
I love those sunset pics birddog the fish arent bad either [Wink] I got a sunset picture for yall. [inline f16sunsetiraq.jpg]
Sorry, I know its off subject but one more.[inline sunsetbaladiraq.jpg]
That sure does look nice out there and you even have some fish to make it even better.
cool pic matt!.. one of my 'never-gonna-happen' dreams is to pilot one of those Falcons. We have the 115th fighter wing (F-16's) stationed here in Madison.. I see those birds all the time!
Yea, thanks EZOP. We were blessed with a beautiful and relaxing day of catching fish.. not always the case out on the big pond. days like that make up for the days where you're bracing yourself against anything solid in order to keep your feet beneath ya.

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