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Trip to Fort Collins
I will be on a two week buisiness trip to Fort Collins staring next week. Since it is a 6 hour drive from my house I was wondering if there was any good areas to fish around there on the weekend I would be there or should I just drive home and fish the Flaming Gorge?

The gorge is doing really good I have heard we will be there in a couple of weeks fishing, let me know whta your going to do or how you did.
If you want to fish for macks like you've been whacking at the Gorge, we don't have nearly as many that size. You may be a few days early for the ice out fishing at Granby, too. NBit shoot me a PM with your phone no. and I'll tell you what I can.
Ya I sure will. The Gorge has been alright the past few weeks. I have caught some nice fish, but I am still waiting for the hogs. Check out my posts of the Utah board for some catch pics if you already haven't. "Friday the 13 on the Local Pond" and "Flaming Gorge Finally".

Those are nice fish!
Hey thanks for the info![cool] I will probalbly hit Horsetooth a couple of evenings after my classes are done. I have never fished for anything other than trout and smallmouth so hopefully I can figure it out.[blush]


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