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Heskett Plant Report
Well this is going to be a short report [Tongue]

I went out with some friends to do my first river fishing of the year over on the mandan side right by the Heskett Plant on the Missouri River.
I tried everything from lindys, to jigs tipped with live bait, and also a variety of crankbaits.

And what did i come up with???

I forgot to add.... From other reports i've been hearing about fishing out at the river, everyone else has been hammering the walleye, so what in the world am i doing wrong?!?
I have quite a few river trips that I get next to nothing. I think one of the most difficult places to fish is on a river because they always change. Water level, water temp, structure; it all changes and they all three work hand in hand. When the water goes up, the water temp goes down and increases speed. The increase speed can cause sand bars to build up, disapate, or create new ones all together. It can really screw up the fishing. Alot of the fish will move into the swamps, out of reach. (atleast around here) I don't know what type of river you are fishing. The rivers around here are mostly small, black water rivers. Probably a 100 yards wide at thier widest point. Alot of them are a 1/3 that size like Lynches River. I can throw a rock accross it, and the current is wicked fast all the time. You really have to change your tactics with each change the river goes through. It doesn't matter if you're fishing for bream, bass, or catfish. With that said, in your case, walleye.

I've never fished for walleye before, but I know there are multiple tactics that can be used that are effective in certain situations. I also know that even though certain things you do can increase your chances of catching certain species of fish, fishing is still pretty "basic." How were you fishing for them? Did you try anything new? How big is the river, was the water high or low, and what types of fish are common in this river? (including bait fish) I bet when you start answering those questions, you'll start to figure out what you could've done different or alteast tried. I'll try and help as much as I can too! Maybe one of those "walleye experts" will jump in. [cool]
Yeah, I get what you're saying.
It's just I usually fish the river quite a bit when i don't want to go out of town to fish, so i've had a lot of experience.
What i normally do is throw out a lindy rig with some live bait (either minnows or nightcrawlers) and that's how i produce those walleye but last night they just weren't feelin it haha
Last year I found this sweet spot on the river. We should give it a try sometime.

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