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Bullfrog, and Moki 24 March
[#008080][size 3]I just wanted to tell you all about the trip to Bullfrog with the 80+ year young friend I wrote about a while back.[/size][/#008080]
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[#008080][size 3]Arrived at the Defiance Hotel around 5 ish, and Bob was wore out with all the gorgeous scenery to view on the drive down there, so we did not go out that evening.[/size][/#008080]
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[#008080][size 3]I did not know it but Bob has never been to Powell, or even down to that part of the state.[/size][/#008080]
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[#008080][size 3]Saturday a.m. we left the marina around 9:30, and started up stream and pulled into Moki Canyon. Bob was in total awe, he couldn't believe what a view he was seeing, with those vertical walls hovering overhead. [/size][/#008080]
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[#008080][size 3]We drove to the back of the canyon and pulled into a cutout, or cave , and you couldn't believe the look on this mans face, to be sitting in a boat, with these sheer rock cliffs right on top of us.[/size][/#008080]
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[#008080][size 3]We did not fair well with the Smallies as was planned, as there was a tourney that weekend and I think (thats my excuse anyway) the bass boys caught all the fish locally.[/size][/#008080]
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[#008080][size 3]We ended up trolling out of the canyon, (Bob wanted to Troll with his Brown Trout needlefish), and started catching lots of Stripers, at the 30 foot depth. After about 12-15 or so, Bob was tuckered out, his reeling hand doesn't work too well, so the three of us caught probably 15-20 more. They were not big, maybe 12 inches. We caught 2 large ones, but they were very skinny. The small ones were nice and fat, just right for fillets.[/size][/#008080]
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[#008080][size 3]After Moki we went up stream and tried the Smallie fishing again, with only 1 to take back to the cleaning station that went 1lb. 7oz. We filleted about 12 fish for him to take home to have his wife fix up for them.[/size][/#008080]
[#008080][size 3][/size][/#008080]
[#008080][size 3]When we got back to the Hotel, Bob was very, very emotional about his day out fishing. His cancer makes it hard for him to remember the words to speak, that look on his face, and those tears, and hugs of thanks made this one of the best trips I've taken in a long time.[/size][/#008080]
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[#008080][size 3]Many thanks to TubeDude, Bassrods, Rileyfish, Maniac, and others who gave me great advice and special goodies to try while there. Thanks you guys for making this a trip of a lifetime for Bob Shiffer.[/size][/#008080]
Thats awesome! Glad you could be a part of that with him. Memories for a lifetime. Thats what it is pretty much about in the outdoors. Catching fish has always been the icing on top of just being out there regardless of what anybody says.

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Man, what a GREAT post ... and you haven't even posted the pics yet! Shucks, I even get a little choked up reading it. It is so great to take someone and help them experience, for the first time, some of God's great creations. Taking a guy on a fishing trip like that will never be forgotten by either of you. It will be a fond memory for ever. Way to go Ticker![/#002850][/font][/size]
[font "Times New Roman"][#008080][size 3]I did forget to mention one small, but very funny incident that took place on the dock after we got back. I got out of the boat to go up the long hill to get the truck and Brian... (Bob's son, who works for KUTV-2), was holding the boat to the dock, and I hadn't even gotten to the end of the dock and this guy was going............"hey... that guy just fell in the water". I turn around and there is Brian holding onto the dock. He fell out of the boat, into 54 degree water, and so we had to haul his butt up out of the water. Wish we would have had a video cam so we could have sent it to his station for the 10'oclock news....[laugh][/size][/#008080][/font]
Sounds like you guys had an awesome time!!! Glad to hear that the best of times are spent with the older generation folks, I never had the chance to fish with my grandfather, but my Dad (even though he says he is a "young" 60 year old) and I and a few friends are headed down that way April 22nd to the 26th so hopefully we can get into anything that will make the rod bend, except for the occasional snag right? Great report, brings a tear to a young mans heart that is for sure!!!! Looking forward to posting our report!!!
Great Post!!, Sounds like You made him A very Happy Man!, Good On You!. Thanks for sharing.
Hey ticker, it was nice to run into you guys at the cleaning station and fishing next to you. That was a good deed you did for Bob, he looked to really enjoy it. As far as the fishing for us, WOW!!! 100+ the first day and believe it or not we brought up over 200 fish the second day, unbelievable. We started out with anchovies, then went to crankbaits- didn't matter. The larger fish are in very rough shape, not many worth filleting- but those little one pounders are perfectly tasty little critters. Excellent weekend on Powell.
Great report Bruce. Thats a time in your life that you will never forget. Glad to hear that things went well for you. Keep the lures and other tackle that I sent down with you. Tight lines buddy
[#008080][size 3]Macman: Was good to meet you also. You guys had a grundle of fish to clean, glad I only had a dozen or so. We tried the anchovie trick too at the back of Moki, but the fish just looked at it and swam away. That's why we were headed out and Bob wanted to try trolling.[/size][/#008080]
[cool][#0000ff]Glad you guys had a great trip.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you can handle emailing the pics to me, I will be happy to edit them into your post for you.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][url ""][/url] [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I know we would all like to see them.[/#0000ff]
[#008080][size 3]Thanks TD, will try to send them to you.[/size][/#008080]
[#008080][size 3]Thank you sir. I appreciate it.[/size][/#008080]
Man Of man. Those pics just make the post that much better. I love that place. Wish I was going down next month Like I used to do. Oh well next year or maybe a quick trip in the fall.

But, At least Bob can say he went down and enjoyed a little peace of Heaven on earth. Looks like the weather was decent for you to!
hey ticker did mac man let ya fish by that big crack in the wall.he probably failed to mention its craigs crack. that over hang on the other side of the canyon comes over that cut about 75 feet me and woodpile hid under it in the rain on fri.we left sat morn.but we got there on wed. we boated a ton of fish in 3 days. thought wood would post some pictures being he was the only one with a camera.

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