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FG Mac fishing
got a chance to hit FG with Fishley for 4 days.. well 3 day i spent 4 days fishing tho.. fish had some stuff he had to take care of the first day.. so i went solow the first day..

ended up out on anvel first drop i was messing around with my finder trying to get it set up when my line stoped.. i thought i was on the bottom tell i look at the finder to see a fish had folowed it down so i set the hook and pulled in a puppy 26" 5 lbs mac on one of coldfooters custom jig's. now i'm thinking this is going to be a good day fishing.. well did not see any more fish out in that area after that one fish i cought.. so went in to see if the rainbows or browns wanted to play.. no luck

day 2 started out great first spot we hit with in 10 min's of hitting the spot we as a group had 2 fish on the deck.. thay were pups but good sign the fish were hungry.. well we keep hitting fish here and there when Fishley (Ash) hook a good one.. that one ended up being the big fish of the trip. 32lbs i'm not sure how long.. well the fish stop in that spot so we moved and got right back into them.. at one time me and fishley had a fish going at the same time.. his was a 25 lbs'er mine was a 17 lbs'er and 36" long.. that one ended being my big fish of the trip.. well after that some thing went wrong with my snowmobile and was out for the rest of the trip. (pice of crap any way) well in the afternoon the fishing went way slow so we baged it..

day 3 was well we will just say not the best day any of us has had fishing.
so we will call it a fish huntting day.. no fish cought..

day 4 we set out again hitting the area we were in the 2nd day.. lots of fish in the but they had been hit hard by all the fisherman so we got some bumps but no takers. so off we went again to hunt down some fish.. stop in one spot and were getting some puppys hitting but nothing big so one more stop and we were in the money hole.. 4 fish came in over 20lbs and i think Fishley hit one over 30 there as well..

all in all a GREAT fishing trip with good pepole!! and we could not have asked for better ice fishing wether!!

Fishley (Ash) thanks again for taking time with me out on your back (frount) yard! it was a great trip!

here some pic's
WOW!!! Any other pics!?!? Nice job! [Smile]
Yea, Ron!!!!

Now if you can do the same closer to home at Fish Lake!!
What do the custom lures look like?
you know i feel the same way. if i could just get them mac's out of fish lake it would be sweet! and a lot closer to home.. and can do it in a day trip.. FG is a long way for me but well worth the trip most the time..

custom lures? what custom lures?? [Wink] they look like Kokanee's... you know mac Mc nugets on the fin [sly]
Looks like whoever else wants a chance at winning the ice fishing contest is going to have to head up to the Gorge. Not fair![unsure]

Seriously though, nice fish!

Excellent report and great pictures too. Great to see some nice macs for a change! Sorry to hear about your troubles w/ the snowmachine....get 'er runnin' again so you can get back up there soon.

Nice fish!

Congratulations guys!
There goes my chances for winning the contest.[mad]
Great fish fuzzy, i am so jealous.[Sad]
Very nice fish Ron and Fishley. Congrats on nailing some big ones, and thanks for the report.
Awesome pictures and great report. I've got to get up there for some hard water fishing.
wish the fishing wouldnt have been so slow oh well that's mac fishing we caught several today but all small nothing over25lb's that fish was 44'' and 32lbs just a baby oh and if eny one find's a garmin72 with a bunch of way point's congrat's ya found a little piece of gold man I have been sick all day about it oh well good thing I still have them on a disk maybe ya can make it up again it looked like a city every wear out there today guess the word got out lol [Wink]Fish
yeah Ash it's amazing that we all got off that lake alive dude with all the bad luck we were haveing.. fishing poles flying out of the truck, snowmobile braking down,getting sick,lost tackle box's,smashed finger and 8 stiches,burnt fingers,lost GPS.. man the only thing we did not do was go through the ice! lol and if i rember right you tryed to do that a time or two that one day!
well like you said man thats mac fish'n.... lol.

still them fish can make you forget all about that stuff when ya got the throbing rod in your hand!

thanks again good buddy.. got the pic's i'll put some more up..
Great report! I am truly embarrassed to report that my largest mack is a mighty 7 pounds.[Sad]
That's an awsome report! Most of the mac trips I've been on have been concidered hot fishing if the group ices a second 20+ lber, you guys had a whole slew of them. I enjoy catching the big cuts from the berry, but I wait all winter for one weekend on th gorge and just the chance at catching ONE of those fish.
Holy sweet Moses.
I just fell off my chair looking at those pics! I'm afraid I wouldn't know what to do if I hooked into something that big!

Nice fish and pics guys . Thanks for the report .
Nice fish Fuzz man, dang. I might have to give that a try. later
Nice report ol' buddy. Sorry you guys didnt get into more goodin's but as stated, thats Mackin'.
Some days ya do the doos, some days ya dont do the doos. Glad you got into a few tho! [Wink]
hey Don you said it some days the doo's play nice some days the doo's don't want to play at all.. we seen alot of fish comeing through on the finders most the time.. it a matter of finding fish that have not had a parking lot setting over them for the last 2 weeks.. and of course having some guy's that realy know how to root them out like Fish, jeff, and Kenny help to.. i realy learned a lot from them guy's this trip.. and i cought the mac fever to boot dude i'm ruined for life.. lol [sly]

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