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Cisco Beach Skunk
Decided to sneak over to Cisco beach and try for some of the little fellers before class today. Got in the water about 6:00 in waste deep water with a lamp. The waves were already crashing in. After staring intently into the rough water for two hours I realized I should have tried the Marina on the other side where the wind doesn't have such an effect. There were a few others out there but I didn't see any net action.

Had to be to class by 9:30 so I didn't have enough time to wait them out.

Cisco: 1 P.Hopper: 1

Did ok snagging them last week, but my first attempt with a net came up with a big ZERO. I think I will try again on thursday if they aren't tapering off too much.

Thanks for all of the advice you all have given, I will try to do you proud next time.

Thanks again,
Hey Hopper,try starting a little later 715-730 I have had very little success when it is dark. If you cant scoop any in close to shore and its rough and merky just go out mid thigh and sweep in a circle,just keeping your net obove the rocks. If you dont get any move up or down the beach,I started out at the pay station Sunday cought only 17 in two hours,then moved up to the north end of Cisco and we had our three limits in about 6 scoops!!Good Luck ,M.H.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]You may have to launch that boat again and snag a few. I would guess the hot action at Cisco could be tapering off about now and only getting slower. You still may get a few dip netting Thursday but you can keep jigging the rock pile for a few more weeks with good results.[/size][/font]
If they're still coming in Thursday, your best bet for dip netting is to be there at 7 am and don't quite until you get your limit or until about 9 am, whichever comes first. I had my best luck by kneeling down right at the waters edge or just into the water. Most days they've been shying away from submerged nets and legs. They can see your profile if your standing so they shy away from that too. A little rough water makes it so they don't shy away from your profile as bad, but it also makes it hard for you to see them.
Thanks guys, that helps me. I was just standing still hoping they would come in to me. I will head over thursday and try kneeling or sweeping and if that doesn't work I will have to see about getting out there to snag a few. Thanks again,
Can a guy have success in the evening on cisco beach? Like just before dark or do they save their action for the morning?
They do come in again just before dark, but not in anywhere near the numbers you see in the morning.

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