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Where About is Cisco Beach??
Hey I have a question, I"ve never been cisco fish"n before and am going to give it a try tomorrow. Was wondering if any of you guys could tell me just where about this Cisco beach is? I know BLM and Pred, and RnL, just might have the simple answere. Thanks for all or any of your replies.[Smile]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]After getting to the end of the road in Garden City, turn right (south) and follow the road to Lake Town located at the extreme southern end of the Lake. When you come to the Sinclair Gas Station, turn left at the intersection and follow that road to Cisco Beach. Probably about 7 miles up the road along the east side of the lakeshore.

You'll see signs on the way and when you get there. You'll also see plenty of people. Pull into the Cisco Beach state park. Remember your state park pass if you have one or you'll have to pay the day use fee. [/size][/font]

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Get there early and bring your bucket and waders along with your dip net. Wear neoprene gloves if you got them. Your hands get wet handling the cisco and the wter is 35 degrees.
I will add an amen to the glove part. That water is cold!!!!!
You may find this map useful as far as getting around the Bear Lake valley. I even added some generalized depth contour lines to it.

[url ""][/url]

Here's the BIG version

[url ""][/url]

[size 2][#ff0000]I enjoy fishing for new types of fish but I have hesitated on going Cisco fishing, as I wouldn’t know what to do with one once I caught it. The folks that I know that go after the Cisco brag about how many they have stuffed in their freezer but only clean out the freezer annually right before the next Cisco run. I think it is the annual freezer burned Cisco Thanksgiving holiday for their cats. Do you primarily use them for Mac bait or does anyone have a favorite recipe to share? [/#ff0000][/size]

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Hey neveronsunday, looked over your post. the one and only reason I want some of those little cisco is for Bait:
I won"t really need alot either, because I use"m for Mac
I just do a little fishing at the Bear in the fall, winter,& spring. Really kind of like trolling for Wippers on the Willard [Smile]. Anyway I need a few for bait and yes, to take up space in the freezer, till next time I go hunting for Mac.
I may be extreme but eating Cisco is about the equivilant of using gold dust for your kids sand box. Why would you eat something that works so well on the Macs in Bear Lake???? Keep one Mac a year if you really like fish. You'll get more from one Mac than 50 cisco any day.

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Mack candy for me![/size][/font]

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