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3 favorite winter time flies
Getting ready for the new year, I thought that we could share our favorite dries, emergers, and nymphs for winter fishing on rivers.
My favorite dry:
#30 green flashabou snowshoe bunny midge
My favorite emerger:
#26 purple pupa emerger
My favorite nymph:
#18-#22 tungsten bead red Copper John
Hello from Orem Flygoddess.[Smile] That picture has me feeling really patriotic and we still have 7 months until the 4th of July. [Wink] I fish the Provo at least twice a week with the usual standby nymphs but I have gone to trailing a size 22 zebra midge or black WD40 behind the usual 18 hare's ear and my success has doubled. I think I will have to take up fly tying if I want to try anything as elaborate as a green flashabou snowshoe bunny midge. I think i'll try mixing my favorites with yours, if I can find them, and see if the fish will throw caution to the wind. Merry Christmas Goddess and all.[Smile]
Hey fishguru, why don't you pm me when you head to the middle, after all I am unemployed at the present time.
Picking my 3 favorite winter flies is a little harder than picking favorite flies for other seasons. After thinking about it I would say they are # 14 beadhead Prince nymph, #8 Pearl Zonker and #18 BWO dry or emerger. Since I can't decide between the dry or emerger pattern I guess that really just narrows it down to 4. I do most of my winter fishing on the Weber so my choices and size of flies reflect that. I definitely catch the most on the Prince nymph. The Zonker catches fewer fish but is good at targeting the larger Browns when your not getting them otherwise.
I fish the South Fork and Weber and do best with the following flies in the winter

Size 18
copper john
pheasant tail
zebra midge

Glo-bug (egg colored)

Fish deep and slow.

my three favorite
Them some perty flies. I can see them working real well. Have you ever tried the Rainbow Warrior? That soft hackle sow would be interesting-maybe rainbow dubbing?
Prince nymph. Chamois caddis. Zebra midges.
small and simple.

No name no see ums
I finally broke down and spent all day Sat. and thought that I would post a picture of them. I don't have my micro midges box in the picture, but I got it all cleaned up this morning. All, but the two bigger boxes in the bottom left, have inserts, so you can't see the back side of the inserts or the back side of the fly boxes. HFT, you crotch crickets are in my micro box.
[inline "2006-01-28 004.JPG"]
You tyed them yourself HTF?
absolutly, they are simple!

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