01-09-2006, 01:34 PM
this year, while cleaning up after butchering deer,i was looking outside where we threw out some fat,and the birds were going nuts on it.i took a couple of store bought suet cake packages,for molds,i took the deer fat and added peanut butter,and put it in the microwave for 2 min.(i recomend that you dont do this,my wife wasn't happy about the smell,the next time i did it outside on the side burner of the grill)when it melted added birdseed,mixed it up,and poured it into the suet molds,and set it outside to harden.for compairason i put out 1 store bought,and 1 homemade.i want througe 2 of my homemade ones before the store bought ones were gone.so i made more,i placed waxed paper between them and put it in freezer bag and keep them in the freezer