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Your Daddy kills Animals! PETA's Latest smear
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]This is unbelievable![/size][/black][/font]

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Glen Beck on 570 has been poking fun at this interview all week last week.
I guess you have to go after the kids when the parents won't listen to you anymore. Where can I sign my kids up for their focus group? My kids love to take in antlers and pictures of fishing on show and tell days at school. I'll put my money on my kids frustrating the heck out of any PETA people who try and tell them they are wrong about fishing and that dad is going to kill the family or neighbors pets.
you know whats realy funny about this is?

my kidds are the ones that want to kill the fish most the time we are catching them!!

and i'm the one telling them no put it back in the water and let it go.. lol
you know whats realy funny about this is?

my kidds are the ones that want to kill the fish most the time we are catching them!!

and i'm the one telling them no put it back in the water and let it go.. lol [/reply]

Amen fuzzy!

I think their focus group was a bunch of PETA members kids?!? Amazing- where will they stop.

I need to buy that bumper sticker:

P eople E ating T asty A nimals! [cool]
What a bunch of douche bags! (can I say that here?) They are so far off base it isn't even funny. I'd like to see them hand something like this out to the evil grizzly bear population in Alaska! Oh yeah, the bears must be too stupid (because of eating fish), to realize what they are doing is horribly wrong. Lame PETA[mad]
When will america learn that PETA is a terrorist organization. They instill fear without facts.

One day someone is going to turn around the argument and put PETA on the spot.

Everything we do in our daily lives negativley impacts animals in some way.
We pollute the planet in so many ways, urban expansion destroys animals habitat, everything is a bad deal for animals.

The guy from peta likley has a house on what was once some animals home. He likley waters his lawn with some fish's habitat.
Whens hes gardening his vegtables for dinner he probably killed a worm or two with his shovel. Its all cruel to animals. Poor little critters evicted and killed for peta members benefit.

One day someones going to sit down and accuse one of these peta guys of all thier injustice and make them answer for it.

But this guy is just wrong. Tucker made a very strong point in that going after peoples children is over the line. It was obvious the guy didnt have an answer that could hold a prayer.

I love peta.
I have to say that my dad did kill animals ...and I thought they were great to eat, so now I kill animals too and they taste great too...

I wonder how PETAS taste?????????

I can see why they are starting to target kids now. the world is changing from the outdoor living to the indoor living. most kids are involved with computers, games and electronics, thats all indoor living. they're gun shooting takes place on the computer they're fishing takes place on computers. once they have all our kids doing this on computers they won't want to go outdoors.
the best thing we can do as sportsmen is to continue taking are kids and grandkids out doors and Kill animals and fish and eat them.
later chuck
These PETA freaks are dangerous! They are so misinformed, so ignorant of reality, and so willing to lie to get their face on TV and their twisted agenda out there, that they will stop at nothing.
It's only going to get worse.
That why we as outdoors conservationists are so vital in correctly educating our children as to what the truths are in these types of issues.
What an idiot!
[size 4]"Your Daddy kills Animals!"

[size 2] They forgot to add,, [size 6]And damn proud of it!
What a freaking idiot. It rots your brain.
This is funny to a point, however I lived in Germany for 15 years and they have a PETA mentality that has negatively affected fishing. No live bait (other than worms) because using a live minnow puts the minnow under stress. No live wells, again, the fish are under stress - you have one minute to kill any fish you catch and keep, so everybody has a small bat for pounding the fish dead on the head.

I believe this is the beginning of a long battle...

I heard the definition of an environmentalist the other day that in some way or other would fit.

"An environmentalist is somebody built their cabin last year"
These guys are definitley misinformed idiots. But I'm not sure that they are dangerous...
At least no more dangerous than some of the hardcore NRA members and their rhetoric.
What both sides of the extreme usually loose first in a debate is common sense.

It is my opinion that all extremeists should be killed !!!
What I mean by dangerous is - dangerous to the future of our sport. Hunting has taken a beating from these fools for years, and now they're targeting fishing. There doesn't have to be more than one political success, anywhere, to set a presedence. Then they have a foot hold, and more will surely follow. I want my grandson to have the opportunity to fish throughout his life. And this PETA guy is preaching about all the pain fish are being inflicted with, even if they aren't killed. And copywork with the picture of a suited man ripping the guts out of a fish for his kid to be traumatized by.
That's what I meant by dangerous. And I don't think it's an inappropriate term, personally.
This is why we all need to do our part and take your kids, grandkids, neighbors kids, peta members kids, and all of their friends hunting and fishing on a regular basis. Not just every once in a while. As everyone on this board knows once you take that kid out they will want to do it forever. [cool]

These people (PETA, ALF ect.)are dangerous. We also need to make certain that we do not patronize any business or organizations that are anti hunting or fishing.

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