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Diamond Fork Cow Elk Hunt
I have one of these tags and in addition to my own scouting, I am hoping to enlist some extra "eyes" to narrow my search for these wiley beasts. The season runs for a month and starts Saturday. The area is roughly from Diamond Fork to 5th water to the Wasatch County line to Soldier Summit and then back to Diamond Fork. Way more area than I could ever hope to cover by myself. A report of any sightings would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, MR. J.
I would start your search in 2 areas. Try the top of Billies Mountain. Right after you get the top of the hill and start down the other side there is a dirt road on the east side of the main road that goes up the hill to the flats that are on top. I always see elk in there. The other place to try would be long Hollow/Monk Hollow. You can access this from either going up Diamond past the red cliffs and there is a big parking lot on across the river or you can go up Highway 6 past billies mountain a few miles and you will see the road going up the side hill to the north. Get a map of the area if you have not done so already and exlpore the trails and roads that are in this area.

I head up that way sometimes so I will keep a eye open for you.

If you need any more detail on these items let me know
I have seen both of these roads but have never taken the time to go up them. I might check them out before Saturday, depending on how accessable they are in light of the recent snow. Thanks for the input and "eyes". Mr. J.
Dropped a huge cow right where she stood up the canyon a ways from Long Hollow. Thanks for the tip. Mr. J.
Good on ya, Was you able to get close to it with a wheeler or something or did you have to drag it aways?

I smell fresh backstraps a cooking!!! mmm mmm Good
It was about a half mile above Hwy. 6. Due to the steep and falldown choked "micro-canyon", I quartered it and hauled it out in one trip on two cargo toboggans. Worth their weight in gold! Once I got the bagged quarters lashed, it only took an hour to bring it down over the 12" of snow and get it loaded. Not too tough on these old bones. There was too much snow for the 4-wheeler which would have been nice since there was a good road within a couple of hundred yards. The snow was the reason the elk were so low so I can't really can't hold anything against Mother nature. BBQ Teriyaki tenderloins tomorrow night!!!

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