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Rate This Fly
I did not tie this fly, but thought it would be fun to see the thoughts on it. Do not worry about hurting feelings if you do not like it and if you think it has merit let me know.
Scale of 1 to 10, 1=bad,10=great.
Don't we need to try it to rate it?
It looks like it will lay back when wet. That would give it a streamer look.
Until I see it in the mouth of a fat trout, I will give it a [5]
Looks funky....kinda like a wannabe booger![Wink] I'll give it a 6 for style.
very ugly. zero. use a rapala
Kind of simple.It is ugly.But will it catch fish? In water the legs pulsate.
Looks like something that fell off the flytying desk and went thru the vacuum cleaner, twice.
Either that or another unfortunate case of flytying while drinking Jagermeister.

I'll give a 5.7

If you were persistant, you could get some dumb fish to eat it.

Who knows! It could be the next "Yong"

Did Andy Kim invent it?
It was tied by a 14 yr old boy,with a new material.
How do you tie a rapala?

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