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Duck Hunting???
[font "Viner Hand ITC"][#ff4040][size 3]I know this might be in the wrong area, but anybody going to be duck hunting on the opener on saturday? I just wanted to see if anybody else on this board hunts too.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
I'll be out in the craziness Saturday. Don't plan on shooting any shovelers or goldeneyes though!!!!
[font "Viner Hand ITC"][#ff4040][size 3]I'm not a big fan of those shovelers and goldeneyes either. So far all I have seen (scouting) is a bunch of teal. Wouldn't mind a bag limit of those though. They are pretty tasty I think.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
I will be out in the crazieness. Hopefully I will survive and not get to carried away blasting holes in the sky. I know almost everyone else will be so why not join them... [Tongue]
I'll be out on the Bird Refuge...
Say No To Sky Busting!!!!
[font "Viner Hand ITC"][#ff4040][size 3]Hey Jethro, that's one of the things I hate about the opener. When I get home after the opener I can collect all the BB's in me and reload a box of shells with them. Like Jethro said "Say no to Sky Busting"
I am heading out!!! Just for everyones info ALL the ducks/geese that are in the state right now are at Farmington Bay so EVERYONE go there if you want to shoot your limit and 5 boxes of shells!!

SAY NO TO SKYBUSTERS..that is ment for all the dike BUBBA'S!!..You know who you are!!!
Yes, EVERYONE go to FB. There are tons of birds out there and an new ATV trail to use. The ponds are loaded to the gills. I will be there with everyone else.

Friends dont let friends skybust.
[cool][#0000ff]I thought I might be able to get away from the sky busters by going elephant hunting. But, then I got a look at the size of the decoys and changed my mind.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good luck everybody.[/#0000ff]
not on the opener. but i cast and blast the berry every yr.
I hit FB 3am opening mornin and didn't even get my spot I wanted already taken?? But ended up with a pretty good spot, got 5 GW teal, 2 mallards and 1 real big goose (18lbs). The wind picked by 10am and the ducks started flying everywhere had my limit before noon, Best opener in years!!
[font "Viner Hand ITC"][#ff4040][size 3]Hit Ogden Bay on the opener...First time ever there. Did okay got 2 GW teals and 2 BW teals. My buddy got the same and an extra mallard. Definitely need a dog at that place. Hit the Layton wetlands in the evening and got two fat mallard drakes.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
I went to the Refuge this weekend...
Sat 4 hunters 28 ducks and I got 3 geese 1 was banded..
Sun 3 hunters 21 ducks and I got 1 goose..
Mon 2 hunters 5 ducks (rain was nasty.. Nothing moving..)
Next weekend will be better...
[font "Viner Hand ITC"][#ff4040][size 3]Man sounds like I got to go with you Jethro. My buddy went to Farmington Bay on Monday and bagged 2 geese. I was kinda jealous cause I was going to with him but had to work.
You can come anytime Kraizee_shot..
Just send me a PM
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]Right on!!! I might just have to take you up on that sometime this year.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]

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