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Chukar Hunt
Just wondering if anyone chased any chukars this weekend? I went out but was only able to knock one out a lot that I saw. I should have practiced shooting a little more. I have a question for those who did hunt or ever have hunted chukars. What type of shot do you use and what type of choke. A lot of the birds I did see where far out and when I shot I know I hit around the birds because I saw dust on the ground right where they were flying but it didnt even phase the chukar. Thanks guys.
[font "Kristen ITC"][#ff4040]Hey onelastcast.. I went on saturday with 2 of my buddies and shot 5 chukars and one buddy shot 5 and the other 3.... it was a fun time.... we saw alot of birds....the trick is to get closer to have to chase them down.....they will not fly until you shoot.....I was using #6 shot and a modified was a great time...I did knock one down with a 7 1/2 shot but i think that is too weak i wouldn't go any smaller than 6...hope that info helps you bag more chukars throughout the rest of the year.[/#ff4040][/font]
Thanks for the help. I was thinking that I needed some heavier shot. The area we hunt got burned but there are a few places it didnt and that is where the birds are holding so it is a little more difficult to sneak up on them without cover. Thanks again.
I have enjoyed hunting chukars for a number of years. I use a full choke with 6 shot. Some people use seven and one half shot but it is too small. you will end up with birds that are really shot up or lots of cripples. Chukars are exciting and you rarely find a single bird on the initial flush. If you lift your cheek away from the gunstock and start worrying about your next shot before you shoot the first shot you will find you missed all of them. My biggest problem when I miss is not staying down on the gun. Another helpful hint is a good pointing dog. They will locate the birds for you and usually stop them allowing you to get close enough for a good shot. They also cut down on lost birds. I enjoyed a nice hunt last weekend with a couple of good dogs. I saw some neat points and had a couple of crippled birds recovered that I would of lost without them. It all adds to great experience. gshorthair

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