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pellet gun
Does anybody have an adult pellet gun? i am looking at purchusing this pellet gun [url ""][/url]
Looks like a versatile gun. I don't own a gun like that, but a buddy has one, and we've killed a LOT of squirrels with it. They are quite powerful.
Hey Britt cheack out this site... these guys are crazy with their airguns.... it's pretty cool to see what kind of animals these guys took with airguns.
[url ""][/url]

I've been trying to save up for one. My dad bought one last year just like the one in your post in the .177 and I swear that thing will kill just about anything. Racoons, rabbits, and many birds and squirrels out to ranges of 100 yards.
Very fun guns to have and shoot.
you should get an rws94 in .22 cal you can usually find a good deal on them on the net

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