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24 trout day at East Canyon
Wiperslayer and I went fishing today at east canyon for the first time this year. We arrived around 9am. the water was glassy calm and the fish were rising everywhere we could see.
There was one other boat on the water when we headed to the south end of the lake. The water temp was 42 degree as we began trolling on the west side. After wiperslayer had released his fifth fish I decided I had better switch to the same lure he was using or it was going to be a slow day for me. Ducks and eagles were flying all over the area as we caught one fish after another, all around 14inches and fat. These fish don't fight like a wiper but we had several double hookups and they would go airborne as often as not. The guys on shore were doing good from what we could see and as we were leaving we counted nine floattubes and three other boats on the lake. Oh yea, X man you are right these fish sure have
a problem with the parasites, catch and release is the only way to go. The boat docks are still in the water but they are in the little cove on the east side of the boat ramp. WH2
good to see you did well. the fish are very healthy other than the bothersome parasites. they dont harm the meat but just look bad. they will kill the fish if they get too many. eagles flock there every year and i spend alot of time eagle watching while im fishing in the winter up there. i have seen so many times the baldys crashing the water and do my dismay catching more fish than me. the big fish hang in deeper water until it gets a bit colder then they hang on the cover. i wonder if my post is a result of all the other people up there. i hope not. a usual saturday this time of year usually does not even have the traffic you described there.

[Smile]WH2 I'm glad to hear you knocked em at east canyon. By chance did you guys notice a group of float tubers,up by the inlet channel? These guys were out for their first float tube trip. I sent the class there as the best place,close by. I was just wondering if you notced them catching fish? If you caught 24 they should have atleast caught 1 or 2.
HFT, Yes I saw the group, but they were all by the dam. They were the only group of float tubers we saw but I did not see them catching any fish. The area they were fishing is over 100
ft deep and I thought it was kind of funny that a bunch of flyfishermen were fishing in water that deep. I'm no flyfisherman so I thought they might know something I don't know. The best catching was between 9am and 11am and then it slowed down, if it was the same group of guys, we saw them arrive around 10:30 or so. They were in four different vehicles and one of them had a river running boat, are these the same guys? WH2

WH2 thanks, yes that is the group I'm talking about. I even drew them a map of were the best float tubing would be.
I guess you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him catch fish
p.s. for anybody reading. inlet channel! Inlet Channel! INLET CHANNEL!!!
Thanks for the report WH2!! I cant remember last time I fished east canyon?? Maybe its time for me to get off my lazy butt and check it out!

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