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Hunting, kinda off of the fish'n subject but important
Hey guys, My dad needs as many BFT guys as I can get to vote for him on his elk. this last year my dad got his elk he has been dream'n about since he was a kid, he got him a bull scoring 401 7/8 gross and 395 5/8 net, to vote for him goto then goto trophy watch and find his name it is Brent Lowry, And this was killed on the douton. thanks guys
That is a really beautiful animal. Tell him congrats!
[green][size 2]Sounds good. But, does it have a hook in its mouth? This is a fishing site.

Sugarbear1, Thats a Big Bad Bull, tell your Dad great job. RTS
you got it..... I am not a hunter but dang,,, thats a beast!!
How many times can we vote?
I think you can vote once a day, but i am not sure
very nice bull. gave him my vote. but that muzle loader bull. holly cow. the mass on that guy. this is a fishing site but fishing is hunting is it not? i aproach both the same way. in nature everything revolves around survivel. WHEN FISHING ARE WE NOT HUNTING FISH? OR WOULD IT BE FISHING FISH?
Hey sugarbear i will vote for your dad every day just to get him to win the contest but tell him i will get a bigger elk than him this year (IN MY MY DREAMS) LOL

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