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well i found a batch of spawn that went bad in the fridge and decided to try it out as bullhead bait tonight . i figured i'de either tie up a few bags of the dark brown stuff or mix it up with some corn meal or flower as doughballs . maybe i'll just dip a crawler in the stuff and give it a go .
the old spawn is as black as truck drivers coffee , thick as molasses , and smellier that a roadkill skunk .
here kitty kitty !!!!
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I dont know about the road kill skunk thing. I passed one on the way back from the st clair river and the stench lingered for 40 miles...
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i'm going to go fishing today. so, i'll keep you guys informed on what i caught today.
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I went out today, pulling in about 50 yellow bullheads. only 2 were over 10 inches. I can say that the bite was prety much constant from noon to about 5, after that things slowed down to a stop....
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my trip was cut very short .
i musta had 200 bites in the first ten minutes , i gotta remembet to take the DEET next time .
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well, today must of been fish heaven for me. i caught about 25 bluegills(good enough to eat but doesn't have a knife yet), 2 smallmouth bass, and about 15 yellow bullheads. this was all within a 2 hour span the bluegills where caught in a more calm part of Merry Lake(back in the boonies[  ]). The smallmouth and the yellow bullheads where in a spillgate type of thing which is were you can catch some really nice size bullheads being the biggest one that i have caught was about 17'' and weighted about a good 4 or 5 pounds and a 10'' smallmouth. not bad for 2 hours of fishing i think.
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not to shabby at all,
ya know that 17 inch yellow bullhead is a master angler fish[url "javascript: addTag('cool')"][cool][/url] we are all vary big on entering for master angler awards for the state of michigan, Well I am any way, it helps the kids in my fishing derbies get excited about fishing when they can see they can earn patches for catching big fish.
I am looking for number four for 2004, my third patch just came in the mail this past fryday. I have another entry to send in at the moment, but I want to get it properly identified before I send it off to lansing. if excepted I will be looking for number five for 2004 meeting my new years resolution of 5 master angler awards for the year..... then I can get back to blue gill fishing, well maybe that pesky pike I might go after a couple times this year if he hasnt moved on to another part of the lake
last year I had a carp come in second place for the year for catch and release.
tomarow I am thinking on going out after perch over at south ridge.
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That secton of hillsdale county is a bit of fishing heaven for sure !
I too am doing a lot of dam fishing untill my boat project is finished . the spillways are about the best fishing spots i have found around here in gladwin , we have plenty of them too .
my current target species fish at the dams is a muskey , preferably a tiger muskey . i was awarded a 30# trolling rod here at B.F.T. and have been tossing every lure imaginable at them , but have had only one strike so far . Those muskeys sure know when to jump in the air and shake off a lure .
i'm  this morning on where i'll end up fishing today . i sure would like to hit the east side and see my buddy bassass for a bit , you'de like him too , that guy is about the most dedicated bassman you could ever hope to meet . his work schedule is about like mine , you never know if the weekend is yours to enjoy or stuck bringing home the bacon .
well , it's time i get motivated and see where the jeep will take me today , i hope it's a good spot . tomorow i know the thing will be draging me to the plant and the dreaded timeclock .
good fishing to you !
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i think i might just have two master awards entrys this year , i've got to look them up just to be sure thou . one is definatly a "sleeper fish" for the 16 species contest , just in case i get bumped out of first place again . you sure make it a challenge to keep up , lol !
i'm trying to figure out your unidentified surprise entry , pike or muskey , or a sauger , walleye or blue pike , maybe you got that stergon and have already nailed the biggest fish . man, you sure have me stumped . whatever it iis it's got to be a dandy of a fish .
well time for me to try for another one , will post later on what today brings .
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yea, hillsdale county has some really good lakes and some ponds. Today, i was at devils lake doing me some bass fishing and didn't do that darn bad. i just a top water spinner and i got a large mouth but thats pretty much the only bass i caught, had tons of bites but none got the hook. but, the bluegills were going nuts today.
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hey , thats better than i did . i went as far as the garage today . of course to make a short story long ... just kidding .
i'm finishing up a few things on my boat project . bought an old scott-atwater boatmoter from 1942 a couple years ago , then a jon boat from the early 50's a couple months ago , now i'm doing an old boat trailer from the 50's that i bought from a farmer .
so for under $200.00 and a whole lot of elbow grease i'll be back out on the east side water during the fall run , well $300.00 if you add the cost of the plates for both .
well , i'll give the trout stream a try tomorow with the spincast . there's a big old brown out there waiting for a panther martin and i'm gonna let him have a shot at it .
the gills haven't been too shabby in size around here latley , but there not hitting like they did last year . i'm looking for the crappie to start up in the next couple weeks . as soon as they do it's time to head to tawas , they get the big ones coming in from the huron there . it's not uncommon to get a 14" or a 17" at the start of the run .
it's been a while since i brought in a decent largemouth , by decent i mean legal size . the rivers are all shallow enough to wade across , the big boys are hugging the shelfs in the lakes for the time being . the word from larry's bait is that the walleye were doing good over at sugar springs , down in beaverton black crappie are starting to pick up again , and at tobacco river the brookies were a little scarse to find . it's been slightley overcast today .