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[size 1]Here are some current fishing reports from around your state. Just scroll down to find your area of interest.
These reports may also include some flyfishing information. [/size]
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Hosmer Lake - June 15th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Fly and Field Outfitters[/#0000ff][/url]
It is open and fishing! Anglers doing well with White Woolly Buggers! Do not forget Water Boatmen, Scuds and Chironomids. Callibaetis have started and dry fly fishing is always fun! A few Traveling Sedges have been seen running across the water, but nothing consistent, yet. Most fish in Upper Lake and Channel areas. But, do not be afraid to experiment. TAKE YOUR INSECT REPELLANT!
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Antone Ranch (Private) - June 15th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Fly and Field Outfitters[/#0000ff][/url]
RECORDED: ![[Image: mssunny.gif]]( 0 ° FISHING: Excellent
There have been some great hatches of Callibaetis in the afternoon and the fish are all over them. Nymphs and emergers are also producing some nice fish in the mornings and evenings. I have been fishing the ranch a lot these past few months and somehow it just gets better and better. We are averaging 20-30 fish per person per day in the 16-22 inch range and they are as fat as footballs. There is the opportunity of a ten pounder with every cast. The scenery is beautiful the fish are huge and the company has been great. We are still seeing some midges in the mornings. This hatch is best fished with the midge pupa suspended one to two feet off the bottom. The Damsel nymphs are migrating and we have seen some exciting takes right off the surface. The Antone Ranch is located in the Ochoco Mountain range, one hour east of the town of Prineville. fourty thousand acres with six lakes and over 220 fishable acres of water it is an outdoor and fly fishing junkies dream.
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Deschutes River - Upper - June 15th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Fly and Field Outfitters[/#0000ff][/url]
Dry fly time! Lots of fish and lots of bugs. PMDs, Midges and Caddis are active. Watch those undercut banks and deeper pools for the big bonus fish! Humpys, Royal Wulffs, Parachute Adams, Griffith's Gnats, Elk Hair Caddis in 16s, 18s & 20s will Do the trick. Streamers for the big boys.
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Crooked River - June 15th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Fly and Field Outfitters[/#0000ff][/url]
It's Back
PMDs, Midges and Caddis are everywhere and the fun is on.
Nymphs: 16-20 Pheasant Tails-Flashbacks work best, 14-16 Prince Nymphs, 18 Bubble Top Pheasant Tails, 16 Red Copper Johns, 16-18 Bird's Nests, Zebra Midges, Olive or Brown Woolly Buggers, Muddler Minnows and San Juan Worms!
Dries: Parachute Adams, Comparaduns and Cripple and Emerger patterns 14s-18s.
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Crane Prairie Reservoir - June 15th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Fly and Field Outfitters[/#0000ff][/url]
Crane can be tough in the spring. The water temp is all the same and there is no real reason for the fish to congregate in any certain area. All that means is cover water! Don’t spend too much time in any one spot. The Deschutes channel is the one exception; the fish are coming off the spawn and are re-entering the lake. The chironomid hatch has been strong near rock creek channel. A midge pupa set under an indicator suspended one to two feet off the bottom in the channel can fool the mighty “Cranebow”. Big Chironomids are showing up on the surface, work slowly and be patient-it is worth it!
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Deschutes River - Middle - June 15th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Fly and Field Outfitters[/#0000ff][/url]
Salmon Flies are everywhere, can the Golden Stones be far behind. PMDs and midges are readily available. Nymphing in the midday and dries by night!
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Big Lava Lake - June 15th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Fly and Field Outfitters[/#0000ff][/url]
Both Big Lava and Little Lava lakes are fishing very good right now and will continue to produce some nice fish throughout the spring. The weather can be the determining factor this time of year at these high lakes. If the wind is howling, Little Lava has some protection from the wind. Olive or rust buggers with a slow retrieve near the shore have been good. The midges are hatching on the nicer days; an indicator with a midge Pupa can be deadly. Callibaetis are emerging and the fish know it!
Flies: Beadhead Black or Olive Woolly Buggers, Roxy Rainbow, Callibaetis Nymph, Frostbite Midge, Black Serendipity, San Juan Worm.
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Metolius River - June 15th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Fly and Field Outfitters[/#0000ff][/url]
PMDs are numerous as are the Green Drakes. Choose your spot wisely and the Rainbows will greet your presentation with great vigor. Dead-drifting Golden Stonefly Nymphs with a Flashback or Soft-Hackle Pheasant Tail dropper is deadly stuff when the surface action is slow.
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East Lake - June 15th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Fly and Field Outfitters[/#0000ff][/url]
Big Browns moving in front of resort. Matukas, Zonkers and Woolly Buggers (olives, brown and rusts) are your friends. Callibaetis not far away, and do not forget the little black caddis! East Lake Boat ramp has been quite good, also.
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Fall River - June 15th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Fly and Field Outfitters[/#0000ff][/url]
PMDs and Midges here, also. Nice fish. Look for those working fish in your chosen area. If you do not see movement/activity-move to next hole. Watch the downed trees and undercut banks, they hold the key.
Flies: Parachute PMD, Parachute Adams, Pheasant Tail, Black Elk Hair Caddis, Suspended Midge, Zebra Midge and Streamers.
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Deschutes River - Lower - June 15th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Deschutes Canyon Fly Shop, Inc.[/#0000ff][/url]
RECORDED: ![[Image: mssunny.gif]]( 76 ° FISHING: Great
The wind has left us and it is so much better to haddle fly placement witch is starting to become a must. Stones flies are all but gone in our area, whats left is up stream from South Juction to Warm springs.
The story here is small Yellow sally stones, size 16s, may flies size 12-18s, and caddis size 14-20s.
Best water types are riffles, slow deep runs against high steep banks and back eddies.
The days will be warming up this week so be prepared to fish latter in the day.
PMDs, 16s, PEDS, 12s,Green Drakes, 10s, BWOs, 18s Little Yellow mays, 16s. Olive caddis 14s 16s, black, 18s, brown, 16s.
Spent bugs are a must now so make sure to bring some.
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McKenzie River - June 14th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Creekside Fly Fishing[/#0000ff][/url]
Daily Stage and Stream Flow [[url ""][#0000ff]click here[/#0000ff][/url]]
Water levels are slowly dropping into shape. Level is 4,038cfs @ Vida water temp is 50 degrees. Level at Walterville 2,017cfs. Try Brown and Olive Caddis, Little Yellow Stones, PMD's. Water temp at 50degrees. Call Ed or Virginia of McKenzie River Shuttle Service at 541-896-0526 if you needed your vehicle shuttled.
Suggested Trout patterns for the month of June. Surface Hatches: Golden Stones, Salmonfly, Caddis, PMD, Little Yellow Stone. Best surface patterns: Improved Sofa Pillow (Sz #4-8), Elk Hair Caddis (Sz #10-18), Quill Body PMD (Sz #14-20), Large Yellow Comparadun (Sz #12)
Best nymph patterns: Rubber Legged Hare's Ear (#10-16), Soft-Hackle (Sz #12-16) in olive, orange, yellow, brown, hare's ear. All these colors work well.
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North Santiam River - June 14th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Creekside Fly Fishing[/#0000ff][/url]
Daily Stage and Stream Flow [[url ""][#0000ff]click here[/#0000ff][/url]]
Fair. Level is a little on the high side for flyfishing. River @ 4.34 ft at Mehema. Summer hatchery steelhead are being landed. Lots of Spring Chinook in the river. Best fishing is from Stayton to Shelburne. Water temp is @ 47 degrees. [url ""][#0000ff]Willamette River Fish Counts[/#0000ff][/url]
Fly patterns: Steelhead- Trailer Trash Fly in the nightshade color, #4 Conehead Purple String Leech, #1.5-3 Maxwell's Purple Matuka, #4 Purple Articulated Leech, #4 Hot Pink Articulated Leech, #4 Freight Train, #4 Kaufmann's Hot Butt, #1.5-3 Shewey's Spawning Purple, #3 N.S. Cutthroat Spey.
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Nestucca River - June 14th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]Creekside Fly Fishing[/#0000ff][/url]
Daily Stage and Current Flow [[url ""][#0000ff]click here[/#0000ff][/url]]
River level (5.00 ft.) Fair fishing. Spring Chinook are in the system in good numbers and a few summer steelhead are making their way in also. Steelhead run will build with the best numbers coming in in July. Lower river fishes the best for flyfishing around 5.6 ft. to 4.9 ft.
If you need shuttle service call Ron at Nestucca Valley Sporting Goods in Hebo @ 503-392-4269.
Steelhead patterns: #4 Limit Lander, #3 Shewey's Spawning Purple, #3 D.C. Cutthroat Spey, #6 Cabellero Egg, #4 Purple Articulated Leech, #4 G.B. Skunk.
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Deschutes River - June 12th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]John Judy Flyfishing[/#0000ff][/url]
RECORDED: ![[Image: sun.gif]]( 75 ° FISHING: Great
Below Pelton Dam
Good Stonefly Fishing Continues -- We're having a ball. The bugs are out in force top to bottom Warm Springs to Maupin though they are starting to fade a little bit on the lower end. Fishing has been good despite a certain amount of cold windy weather. A predicted warming trend should make it even better – peak days are coming right up especially in the Warm Spgs area.
On over cast days we have been catching some good Green Drake hatches mid afternoon. Also PMD fishing with both nymphs and dries has been quite good -- for best results fish right in the top of the run were the riffle water first enters the pool.
For an over view of this hatch check out our web site [url ""][#0000ff][/#0000ff][/url]
Tips – For best results during Salmonfly cast close to the river banks and up under the edges of overhanging trees. Look for sources of bugs -- places where the insects fall in -- these are the areas where fish will concentrate.
If the fish aren’t biting right away don’t give up on the dry flies and go to nymphs too soon. The hatch tends to be fickle – likely looking places may not always yield up fish. This does not mean the fish are “full” it just means they are not feeding in that one spot at the moment. If you persist with the dry over time you will get results.
Conservation alert: The months of May, June and July are prime spawning periods for our native fish, the Deschutes “redside”. Even though this activity creates a very tempting fishing opportunity and you may see some good anglers even some guides targeting these fish we encourage you to avoid spawning fish whenever possible. To learn more about identifying spawning fish read about our [url ""][#0000ff]IPASS pledge[/#0000ff][/url].
Flies to use:
Dries: Stimulator #6 or #8, Clark’s Stone #6 or #8, Norm Wood Special #6 or #8, Small #18 or #20 Gray or Gray/Olive Mayfly (mid day), #14 or #16 Yellow Mayfly (mid day) #8 or #10 Green Drake
Nymphs: #6 or #8 Stone Flies, #16 or #18 Flashback Pheasant Tails, #16 or #18 Green Rock Worm, Metallic Caddis (Copper) #14, Black Midge Pupa #20
For guide & outfitter information check out our web site [url ""][#0000ff][/#0000ff][/url] or call John at (541) 595-2073
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Trask River - June 12th, 2004
supplied by: [url ",re"][#0000ff]The Guide Shop[/#0000ff][/url]
River Level Information [[url ""][#0000ff]click here[/#0000ff][/url]]
Fishing continues to be excellent. All conditions are prime with springers on the Trask and steelhead and springers for the Wilson River. We are expecting showers today and tomorrow with sunshine for Saturday.
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