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The DWR saved a life today at Willard 4/6/23
Glad you survived Curtis, with no damage other than your pride. Been there and done that twice, on one of my prior boats, but never when the water was that cold.
(04-07-2023, 01:19 AM)Fishin_Fool78 Wrote: Wow! Glad your ok! Impressed that you went back out fishing after that!!

I'm impressed that your wife brought you dry clothes! Mine would have made me come home and write "I will not fall in freezing cold water" on a blackboard 500 times...
Wow Curtis Scary for sure. Glad are ok and was able get some fishing in. I think you owe the wife a night out.
There's Always Time For One More Cast
(04-07-2023, 01:35 AM)Boatloadakids Wrote: Wow! What a story. Makes me cold just reading about it. Very happy for you and the crew that was so quick to help. There are many good people out there. Hope you get out after those wallys and cats soon.
Thanks, without a doubt there are a lot of good people out there, lucky for me. I've been so cold before when hunting that my hands could not turn a key to open a car door but this was so much worse, it is really hard to describe how cold I was at the end, before they pulled me up out of the water.
Thank God you are  OK curt!!! Chante is my bosses niece she is always helping people out with lots of stuff.
(04-07-2023, 02:01 AM)lovetofish Wrote: Wow, glad everything turned out okay. Scary for sure. Just think if for some reason you were going out by yourself and something like this happened. Although I sometimes fish by myself I prefer to have someone with me. Accidents can happen and sometimes turn out very badly.
Thanks, you are so right about fishing alone, you just can not be too careful and after this I think I'll be wearing a life jacket every time I get in or out of a boat in the cold water months. There was a guy fishing at Willard a couple of years past that was by himself when he fell overboard, he did not make it.
(04-07-2023, 02:17 AM)Jig-fisher Wrote: Now that's a scary fish story. Glad you're OK.

Thanks, hope I never have to tell a fish story like this one again, it was truly a scary one.
(04-07-2023, 03:04 AM)Crimson Wrote: wiperhunter,  glad you survived a bad situation and lived to tell about it.  Shows us how fast a fall can happen, probably after many years of fishing and boating.  

I fell off my fishing boat at Lake Powell in a back cove. and even with the warmer water and calm conditions I was glad my brothers were on board to help me back into the back of the boat.  

Glad you were able to get into some warm clothes and get out fishing anyway!

Me too, at one point, just before they pulled me out I wasn't sure if I would make it. You are right about not having any issues after many years of hunting and fishing but one thing I know, I'm just not as nimble as I was in my younger days and as a result I need to be more careful.
(04-07-2023, 04:51 AM)Mooseman75 Wrote: Curt, glad you are OK.that was a scary situation and it shows what type of person you are by thanking the people from DWR so kudos to you, I would say you are a good guy and we're lucky to have you still here.

Thanks, if it had just been me involved in this situation and I made it out of it OK, I doubt I would have posted about it, especially during a warm water situation, but with it being a cold water rescue and the DWR coming to save me, I really felt those guys deserved recognition and at least my praise for what they did. I think there are some that don't give the DWR enough credit and when it comes to stocking fish, I believe they do the best they can but in this case all their training for cold water rescue came into play and they worked as a team to save me. A day later and I do feel lucky to still be here.
(04-07-2023, 09:27 AM)AJBwheat1222 Wrote: Wow! Crazy Scary! Glad the outcome was for a happy ending of a story to be told by you to others. Most would have passed on the fishing and not gone on to Fish On! That quick step swim thang can happen to anyone so way, way glad you'll be around to show and tell more fishing adventures stories but let's hope the scary part will be a go away bad dream for the future adventures. With this year's high run offs, everyone be careful and let others know to be extra safe especially the little ones.

When I was still cold and talked to my wife, I sure thought about calling it a day but as I warmed up, I thought to myself if I give up because of a scary situation, it will cause me to be afraid to do other things, especially as I get older, I decided I just could not do that. I know at some point, that attitude will change, especially when it comes to ice fishing but that day is not here yet.
(04-07-2023, 01:47 PM)Bduck Wrote: What a story, what was a tragic start of the day ends in fun. Glad to hear your ok Curt. 

Thanks Roger, the end was for sure much better than the beginning. I hope the catching improves soon but it sure is amazing how fat those cats were, so they eating good and that likely explains why they aren't hungry.
(04-07-2023, 01:55 PM)TubeDude Wrote: WOW!  Don't know what to say except glad there was a good outcome.   If nothing else, it will probably make you a bit more cautious in the future and hopefully this serves to remind others that you can't take your personal safety for granted.  You gotta stay focused and always consider what will be the safest way to do something.

Where did you get your fish...and on what?

Thanks Pat. You are so right, I will definitely be more cautious in the future. We caught the first one just North of the kitty condo area on a pink Tiger and chub meat. Ira would know more than me but it might have been straight pink. The second one was caught on one of Robert's homemade fligs, I think it was either pink or orange with silver glitter on it and chub meat, caught just out from Freeway bay.
(04-07-2023, 02:39 PM)MWScott72 Wrote: Glad you are OK, and even more impressed that you still made a couple cats pay at the end of the day (I should have been a rapper)!  It's amazing how fast stuff can happen...good or bad.  Glad it all turned out alright.

Thanks, you are right, I've never seen something go so bad so quick.
Glad you were not alone and you are ok, I often fish alone and this will remind me to be extra cautious.
(04-07-2023, 02:54 PM)RockyRaab2 Wrote: So glad you're still with us. Bad stuff always happens in an eyeblink.

Thanks Rocky, me too.
(04-07-2023, 03:48 PM)Piscophilic Wrote: Glad, no very glad you're OK!

Thanks and kudos for sharing the story. I remember a few years back when I fell out of my boat, by myself in mid 40ish water. I remember thinking that it was embarrassing to tell the world I had fallen out (even if the deck was wet) but I decided someone might benefit from it. Thanks for doing the same.

I was glad I had previously made the decision to always wear a PFD (and I put my PFD on before I launch the boat). After that I also made the rule that I would not fish alone in a boat if the water was below 60 degrees. 

Keep up the good work, I look forward to many more of your good reports and comments!
Thanks, glad you were ok when you were in a similar situation, especially when you were alone, there is little doubt if I had been in your situation at Willard, I would not be here today.
(04-07-2023, 03:53 PM)Tin-Can Wrote: Curt, glad that episode turned out well.  Hope you have no lingering ill effects.  

Thanks Forest, so far so good, didn't sleep great last night but no harm physically, just a little sore last night.
(04-07-2023, 04:24 PM)BEARCLAW Wrote: God Bless Curt!  Scary ordeal.  I’m happy everything turned out ok.

Thanks Chad, it's been a while since we last heard from you, hopefully everything is ok with you.
Remember my trip INto Willard just under 3 yrs ago - at least the water was warmer but still chilly and a shock. I did have my PFD vest on - it worked, Jeff rescued me and little Rosie. It ended our day that day. Luckily we'd already caught something so calling it a day wasn't too painful.... Rosie now dons her life vest too anytime on our boat along with Annie. 

Glad you're ok. Glad Roxy could bring some dry clothes and you still caught some fish too.  Whew, always an eye opener for sure...
(04-07-2023, 04:43 PM)Kent Wrote: Glad you survived Curtis, with no damage other than your pride.  Been there and done that twice, on one of my prior boats, but never when the water was that cold.

Thanks Kent. In the moments right after I surfaced, Pride was at the very bottom of the things I was thinking about, my first thoughts was that I ruined the trip for Robert and Ira but then I thought about nothing else other than survival. It's hard to imagine how fast things can go from bad to worse in a matter of seconds.

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