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Good day at the state park
Went fishing at the state park form 8am-noon.  Walked out from the boat ramp, ice is 3.5 to 4 inches.  Fish was biting pretty steady and everyone was catching fish.[Image: 49-ECA66-B-F15-F-45-C6-B520-B74-C91025232.jpg]

[Image: 17-FC13-BB-DDC6-443-A-AF66-7-D459-F6-B2-BD3.jpg]

[Image: 40604-D75-02-D7-4-C28-8-CFC-4-E3-E661392-C8.jpg]
I've been watching every now and then and there has been many anglers on the ice today.
How deep is the water there? Looks like a great day.
We were in 8ft of water inside the harbor. I went for a ride to the state park around 4pm. Saw 2 guys fishing 50ft out from the handicap ramp. They have a whole mess of WB and over a dozen 12-13" perch.
OK, thanks for the info. Wow, 12 to 13" perch are really a decent size for perch, this must be the year for big perch.
Agreed, that is great size for Utah Lake. I hope the water level for the lake stays up in 2021. Hopefully we will see 14" perch next winter.
Nice perch, indeed.

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