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Ice at pineview
Going for some night crappie wondering if the ice is thick enough to take out the snowmobile??
Any info would be great. Thanks guys
I think you're good. Last report I saw was 7" off cemetery, with a little less in the narrows. But obviously you know to check it for yourself. Good luck, be safe and report conditions if you make it out. I'm curious as well
We'll do we will be out between browning point and cemetery point if anyone else wants to join us should be on ice between 5:30 and 6 PM for the night bite
I personally wouldn't take a snowmobile out, there are spots that are thinner and IMO to thin for snowmobile.
So, how did you do?

I really commend any fisherman that is willing to let other fishermen join them. Sharing, learning, and meeting new folks is fun.

Wish I could have.

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