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had poles in the water at 7:10 it was cold 28 deg.
caught about 30 cuts by 9 am most were down 35 feet trolling
the water got real choppy at 9 am that was when the fun began.
the fish moved up to the top. started pulling cuts in every 2 min.
from 9 to 11:30 my back and arms were hurting. so went home.
most fish were no deeper than 10 feet
you can see where I was fishing and all the fish I was in
this is the strange fish 20 in. I would think over 3 lbs it is bigger than what the picture shows. was out of the water about 2 min. whet back in and took of
may be some one will catch it next year when it is 5 lbs. (what ever it is) I was not fishing for it, but i think I saw about 100 of them on the fish finder.
a video of what a white tube looks like trolling down 25 feet going about 2 mph
I did not edit this just took the first 2 min of the camera.
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Were you tipping your tube jigs and if yes with what?
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Hey Robert -- sounds like a nice day out on the water, 'cept for the wind problem, and then on top of that, that weird-looking 20" something you dredged up....looks like a giant minnow to me....I'll bet it'd taste awful, so good thing you tossed it back.....If I pull up something like that next season, you can bet I'll deal with it too! ....sorry you had too go through that......Guluk....
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That is really and interesting fish. I am really curious if that fish, being so silver this late in the year, will hold over and spawn next fall or if it is just really late and will spawn later this year. Of course the only way to know would have been to open it up and see if there were eggs/milt inside and that would have not been legal, so no way to tell. If it does hold till next year, it will really be a monster.
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[quote kentofnsl]Were you tipping your tube jigs and if yes with what?[/quote]
Worms, had two hooks, worm on each hook,
I had a nother tube that worked better than that one, it was a glow if you look at it it is a clear white, I had white glow beads in the body and when it is charged with a UV light it glows a light green. that was what was working when the fish were down 35 feet
I bought them from sportsmens, 3 1/2" have a lot of salt in them.
worms were working real good
the cuts over 16" were real good fighters. I got a lot that were 20"
I don't think I got any over 21"
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Well done Robert.
Will you be posting your video on YouTube? It doesn’t work on my phone.
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[quote BSF]Well done Robert.
Will you be posting your video on YouTube? It doesn’t work on my phone.
It is only 2 min and shows some cuts going after the tube and the tube spins, in the past I have used a dodger on the tub but I catch more with out a dodger.
I set the tub up the same way I do a squid that I fish for kokanee with.
I have been doing this for a long time most of the time the tube out fish's other stuff this time of year.
but on another line I like to run a 4" green dodger and beads and spinner with two hooks to help draw in the fish. I use worms, shrimp are chubs on the hooks.
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[quote liketrolling][quote BSF]Well done Robert.
Will you be posting your video on YouTube? It doesn’t work on my phone.
It is only 2 min and shows some cuts going after the tube and the tube spins, in the past I have used a dodger on the tub but I catch more with out a dodger.
I set the tub up the same way I do a squid that I fish for kokanee with.
I have been doing this for a long time most of the time the tube out fish's other stuff this time of year.
but on another line I like to run a 4" green dodger and beads and spinner with two hooks to help draw in the fish. I use worms, shrimp are chubs on the hooks.[/quote]
Thanks Robert
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Great video! Fun to see that silver trout that big this time of year.