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Middle Provo
Hate to admit it but was skunked last Sat on the middle provo. Seemed like they wanted small PMD, but nothing I threw they would take. Many, many looks and refusals at the last second. Frustrating day, could not figure out exactly what they wanted. any ideas?
This isn't much of an idea, but I've had this exact experience and I like to try switching around where my fly is in the water column. I try a barr's emeger -- sometimes behind my PMD dry. I also have taken to tying PMD emergers with a small piece of foam, to hold the hook just in the film. The emerger will otherwise sometimes slip blow the film and, I think, often below the fish. I also tie a version with ice dubbing. Sometimes I think the emerger has a little sparkle to it, so I sometimes think that makes a difference.

The real thing I do though is wait for dusk. I've had those refusals turn into strikes in the last few minutes before dark many times. I was on the middle provo over labor day, and I was frustrated till almost dusk.
Don't be afraid to go a little bigger and then tie a dropper on it. You'd be surprised how much that dropper gets hit. I love a good dry fly take, but I hate a skunk. Don't forget the subsurface food they are chowing down on.
[quote ru22dizzle]Don't be afraid to go a little bigger and then tie a dropper on it. You'd be surprised how much that dropper gets hit. I love a good dry fly take, but I hate a skunk. Don't forget the subsurface food they are chowing down on.[/quote]

Exactly...that's what I would do. When you see hatch feeding, most of the feeding is occurring subsurface before they ever reach the surface and hatch. We all love catching them on dries, but nothing is worse then the stinky skunk! lol.

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