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Cottonwood Wipers!!!
Little Fish Fanatic and I decided to check on the Wipers and see if we couldn't catch a bigun. We caught 50+ nothing big enough to Bragg about but we had a great time. We were doing real good until 2 jetski's showed up and it took us an hour to find the fish again. We didn't catch anything over a pound and a half. We kept a limit my wife wanted to make coconut fish tonight.

By the way small Mooneye jig with any plastic or crawler light blue maniac minnow and chartreuse gulp split tale minnow worked best. Plastics need to be small because they stocked 5000 small Brown's and I think the Wipers are pounding them.
Thanks for the report. Sounds like a good day on the water. We are heading there Saturday and maybe Sunday too. Any tiger action?
No, but we didn't target them, word is that Bullock is doing better on the Tigers.

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