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Lincoln Beach cleanup and Blitz
I would like to announce our second cleanup session at Lincoln Beach. In conjunction we will be holding our Second Annual South Team Catfish Blitz. All BFT members are encouraged to attend the cleanup but those on the North team will not be allowed to fish. If there are any questions about the rules, please contact BLK. He will be as even and fair as he was for the Flotilla contest.

The date is June 22, 2019. If the weather should be bad we will postpone until June 29, but the forecast is good as of today.

More details will be forthcoming. Any ideas/suggestions/questions may be posted here or send me a PM.

We need as many South Team members to join us as we attempt to wipe out the North lead all in one day. If everyone catches a 30"er...
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Kinda harsh to not even let the north team fish. Long drive to pick up trash and not even get to fish the lake you've driven to. Sounds like a good way to discourage people from helping. Just my perspective reading your post.
Sorry Craig but you have caused this old Southern boy a bit of anguish. I would like the Northern boys to be part of the event. If they want too! All the big fish and the contest score don’t mean squat to me if we are going to exclude anyone. Nuff said. Tight Lines.
A quick clarification is needed:

When we had our original luncheon and cleanup get-together I made up some rules for the fishing contest we planned to have. Among the 'rules" I made up (I take full responsibility for this) was one that stated that no northern team member would be allowed to enter any fish that was longer than 30 inches. This was in jest. I assumed everyone knew it. I believe this is what Craig in referring to when he excludes any northern fishers (in jest) from our next clean up and fish.

Let me set the record straight for both Craig and myself: ANYONE is welcome to fish with any BFT group any time. The second cleanup effort is for us southern team members. We will also be fishing and hoping to make a concerted effort to catch up with the northern guys who are taking it to us again this year.

I hope no one has been offended and I emphasize that anyone is more than welcome to join us and fish with us on the 22nd. Only southern guys will be allowed to pick up trash.[Wink]

Looking forward to it.

BLK aka Lynn
Oh my gosh yes! I was only kidding. We in the contest enjoy ribbing and razzing each other and that was exactly what I was doing. I should have included a Wink emoticon so everyone would know it was in jest. I thought that it was obvious that I have no power to tell people where they may fish. We love seeing our northern neighbors and fishing with them. If you ever read something that sounds "off" from me there's a 99.999999999999999999999999% chance I'm being ironic or facetious. Sorry to anyone I offended or worried.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Sorry Ben. I thought that anyone who came to the Flotilla would know that BLK made up some fun and silly rules like those from the north having to have their catches verified by a Notary Public. I miscalculated and I'm sorry. But you did get me on the thing about the hybrid bulhead/channel cats a while back. Took me several days to realize you were pulling our legs. Can we still be friends?[Wink]
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
No problem Craig. As far as pulling your leg about the hybrids I wasn’t kidding. Seen them at the Hatchery.
Sounds like fun, hey last night I caught up on an In Depths Outdoors and they were fishing for catfish. Pretty good show and big cats. I think it was a couple weeks old but that’s about as close to fishing as I’ve gotten in the last month. Cutting my last field tonight I hope, but no openings for fishing for awhile. Tried some Hush puppies the other day and they sure weren’t as good as yours. You are the master chef. Good luck and sorry I can’t make the next gathering. Later Jeff

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