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Posting pictures
Most photo websites allow storage but not links to allow photos to open up in your posts as photos / not links. Photobucket was one of the best for years but decided to charge fees that didn't warrant their service.

I looked for a web site that provided various ways to link photos and last year found one: IMGUR.COM

Once you sign up with your password, all you have to do is drag any photo(s) from your pc on to the photo page and it stores it automatically, giving it different links when the photo is opened to regular size.

It these these options:
photo name/ description box edit
sizing options (overall size or cropping)
advance photo editing (IE brighter/ darker, sharper, text, color saturation (hue), etc.

As far as linking is concerned, anytime there is a question mark followed by a number:
IE link will work but the photo won't show in your post on BFT.

Remove the ? and number and your good to go!

When opening IMGUR (which goes to your page), just press images in the drop down list under your user name and it opens your album of photos, the order which is the newest to the oldest. You can organize photos in folders named by you but I don't.

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