01-10-2017, 03:31 PM
I will agree with you on the different opinion's between a lot of the folks in Springdale and the counties affected by the Grand Staircase. But having lived down in that country for years I have a little different take on the opinions of those interviews. The folks in Springdale have been dealing with being a gateway to a National Park for years. The dynamics of the area have completely changed from years ago. Sure the economy is great for polished rock sales and hotels and restaurants but gone are the 4 and 5 generation farm and ranch families who settled that country that depended on that area for their livelihood. They fought just like the people are fighting the new designation because that was the way they raised their families. None of them were equipped to run shops or stores. Their lives were made working the land. Most people I know whether they are farmers or ranchers or some city dude or what ever would be very unhappy if their families for generations have lived in the same place and done the same things and depended on the same resources only to have somebody from some place else say well you have to go things are different now. I too have been a poor college student and spent plenty of time with my nose in a book. But I'm a little longer in the tooth now and have been out and about enough to see how a hasty decision can impact the lives of so many and for generations to come. I agree with you that Rep. Bishop's plan wasn't the best idea but it was a beginning point and the right people were being brought from all different parties to have wise discussions to come up with a good solution. So what if it took a few years to get it right for groups to come together. There are answers that can benefit all if they take time to work together. But as happens quite often in Washington, the game is over now because someone doesn't like the score so they are taking their ball and going home. I realize we all aren't going to agree on everything but I hope we can at least learn to give and take a little to keep this a great place to live. FishingLunatic I realize I probably have more in common with Bovineowner because I've walked in his boots but we are all tied together in this by our love of fishing. Good luck to you as you finish school and continue with your life. When I think back on those days, being old ain't that bad.