12-30-2016, 02:45 AM
Bovineowner, I spent 26 years on active duty in the military. I think we did a pretty fair job of keeping America safe. I drive on the interstate highway system on a regular basis. Pretty top notch road system. FAA runs the safest air system in the world. Center for Desease Control is a model that other countries try to emulate. Like it or not, the Affordable Care Act actually lowered medical spending while ensuring continuing coverage for existing conditions. The National Forest folks and BLM obviously don't please everyone, but they do a wonderful job, in my eyes, of protecting our public lands and managing them for multiple uses like grazing and recreation. It's easy to only see the things you thing the government does badly. You mentioned Yellowstone. Sounds like somewhere you'd choose not to visit. However, the millions of folks who do visit it every year come away in awe of the natural wonders the NPS protects.