03-21-2002, 02:16 PM
It's funny that you bring this up. I saw something about this exact topic on TV in the last couple of weeks. I think it was on the O'Reily Factor. He was grilling someone from PETA about giving money to these terrorist organizations and she kept evading the questions. What she did admit to was funding the legal fees of someone accused of some terrorist type action. Her defense was that he had not been convicted of the crime so they had every right to help. I think it turned our that he ended up being convicted. It just doesn't make sense. Why should they be tax exempt? They pay some guy to dress up in a fish costumes and protest at fishing tournaments. Why should they get a tax break to do stuff like that. If they were fighting something illegal fine but they are fighting some of our basic freedoms. It just doesn't make sense.<br><br><br>PETA...People Eating Tasty Animals<br>