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Newbie alert ~ Wanting tips on areas and fishing
I'll second going south from Kuna to swan falls dam. I've never fished above but from the dam down to celebration park I've had killer days. If you have a boat (raft, drift boat would be best) you can really go crazy with them but I imagine shore fishing would be very productive as well. I usually like a Mr. Twister meany tail grub or gulp minnow on a 1/4 oz jig head. Have caught a couple catfish in that stretch as well. Another suggestion is go east to Anderson Ranch res., or north to the Payette, or east to CJ Strike. There is a ton of fishing to be had around you that is really good.

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Re: [VampGeek] Newbie alert ~ Wanting tips on areas and fishing - by Belasko - 09-27-2016, 10:26 PM

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