03-20-2002, 02:00 PM
Okay fellow Indiana Anglers here is something for all of us to think about. While we are all concerned about Osama and his ilk we should also be concerned about our own in country terrorist groups and who funds them. We all have heard of and know about pet@, the humain society of america (not the dog pound folks), the anti hunting sierra club and more. But did you know that they all have tax exempt status and some (PET@) openly admit to donating money to ALF (the animal liberation front) which is a terrorist group that firebombs business and has injured people that work there. Lets all start contacting our congresional people and get them to remove the tax exempt status of these groups so the FBI can find out whom they are sending money to. We need to be heard to stop these terrorists.<br><br><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by robert0720 on 03/29/02 11:45 AM.</EM></FONT></P>