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3 day float trip for bass - locations?
I have floated from Swan Falls to Marsing. I have done the Swan to Walters ferry once and from Walters to Marsing 4 times. My son and I did it in inflatable pontoons. The piece from Celebration park to marsing is an easy float with a canoe. No rough stuff there. The only thing you might have a problem with is wind. We fished mostly for catfish and sturgeon. Had great luck with cats but my rod broke on my sturgeon set up. It is 18 miles from Swan to Walters. The upper part from the Dam down to and including Graveyard rapids is not to hard in a pontoon. The first set of rapids is big enough to get your attention in a 8 foot boat. It has some pretty rough water at times. We went through at 10,000 CFS. If your real good with a Canoe you might make it. I know for a fact I would do it again in a pontoon but NEVER in a canoe.
If you wanted to do a canoe trip I would start at Celebration and go to Parma. It is 24 miles from Celebration to Marsing. 33 miles from Celebration to Homedale. ANd 40 miles to the Idaho State line from celebration. The last 12 miles to the boat ramp is all in Oregon. So you would need to get a permit to fish in Oregon or get out at the state line back at the 40 mile mark. It is about 52 miles from celebration to the boat launch at Parma. You will not see any rough stuff in that stretch. The river can be very shallow in spots and because of that it can be fast.

The Islands in the river are private, federal reserve, and public. It is not legal to camp on the Deer flat land. The private land is sometimes marked. and the public land can have some restrictions. Camping can be found all along the river and a GPS with land ownership is a good idea. I think that the whole trip could be done in 3 days but you would have to keep moving I think. If you went from Celebration to Homedale that would be 10 miles a day and that would give you time to stop and fish. Just depends on what you want to do.

Fishing will be fantastic for cats. I don't bass fish but it should be great.

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Re: [dropscliffs] 3 day float trip for bass - locations? - by idahoron - 07-26-2016, 02:34 AM

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