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Jul/Aug on lower "alpine" lakes
Thank you PBH, these are two interesting examples, especially Minersville (because of the altitude & latitude).

I probably should have qualified my question. I only moved to Utah in 2010. Back in my home state of PA there are few lakes that support coldwater species year round, and those that can are deep enough to stratify. In the former case (of course) any trout present via stocking die off early summer due to thermal shock. In those deeper lakes, trout escape the extreme surface temp's by hanging out in the bottom of the thermocline – well out of reach for conventional fly gear.

I have only been fishing lakes out here going on three years so I am still trying to figure out where that range exists between the two extremes of high alpine lakes where the water is cold throughout the summer (but growing seasons and fertility are short) and the valley lakes/ponds where trout are stocked for the masses and the "lucky ones" get caught quickly (or get eaten by cormorants) before succumbing to 75* F (or higher) water temps.

I guess what I am trying to zero in on are those lakes with a good amount of fertility and chemistry to hold and grow large trout, but remain cold enough throughout Jul/Aug that I can fish successfully with fly gear.

Thanks to all you guys. This is good info.

Messages In This Thread
Jul/Aug on lower "alpine" lakes - by Joe_Dizzy - 07-12-2016, 05:58 AM
Re: [PBH] Jul/Aug on lower "alpine" lakes - by Joe_Dizzy - 07-13-2016, 06:29 PM

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