06-29-2016, 01:25 PM
[#0000FF]The Escape is smaller than the Renegade...which I had for a while a couple of years ago. You need size for sturgeon. I need smaller for the kind of fishing I do. The Escape is just the right size. See pic.
Got it tricked out. Put a wooden frame inside the removable pockets to attach the modular rod holders and utility rack. Works great. My main problem right now is the same one I have always had with Scadden's inflatable seats. The slightest loss of air pressure and I slip right out the front. I have to add some kind of auxiliary seat and raise the front end to keep me in the seat. Shouldn't have to do that for the prices he charges.
Got it tricked out. Put a wooden frame inside the removable pockets to attach the modular rod holders and utility rack. Works great. My main problem right now is the same one I have always had with Scadden's inflatable seats. The slightest loss of air pressure and I slip right out the front. I have to add some kind of auxiliary seat and raise the front end to keep me in the seat. Shouldn't have to do that for the prices he charges.