03-08-2016, 11:43 AM
This one was caught right below Lucky Peak back in 2007 Thanksgiving time. the angler cleaned the fish before taking home to grandpas for a picture andFish and Game claimed that it was potentially a state record rainbow trout but was already gutted. I always wondered where the big trout were too inside the reservoirs.. The pictured fish must have been Kokaneee fed, like that of the giant rainbows caught below Dworshack res..
This one was caught right below Lucky Peak back in 2007 Thanksgiving time. the angler cleaned the fish before taking home to grandpas for a picture andFish and Game claimed that it was potentially a state record rainbow trout but was already gutted. I always wondered where the big trout were too inside the reservoirs.. The pictured fish must have been Kokaneee fed, like that of the giant rainbows caught below Dworshack res..