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no-tail plastics for most species
[quote tubeN2]Those are some nice plastics. It looks like the old days of micro tubes and Mister Twisters are a thing of the past. [/quote]
The truly are a thing of the past considering the new plastic designs that have come out in the last few years. Nice to know I can buy some of the aluminum molds with multi-cavities on-line.

Quote:I like your design and think you have done an awesome job comparing to what I have seen out there on the market

Thanks. A work in progress...
You ain't seen noth'n yet considering the mods I've been coming iwith up daily in my basement workshop.

Curt - any lure I show is capable of catching most fish species. Here a few caught on thin tail minnow grubs:

[Image: crappieonlargeminnowa_zps79999baa.jpg~original]

[Image: normalprofile_zps3cea445b.jpg~original]

[Image: largeminnowandpick_zps82b4e641.jpg~original]

[Image: IMG_0018_zps8db79950.jpg~original]

[Image: IMG_0018_zps0bb647b0.jpg~original]

Messages In This Thread
no-tail plastics for most species - by SenkoSam - 02-22-2016, 05:30 AM
Re: [tubeN2] no-tail plastics for most species - by SenkoSam - 02-26-2016, 02:00 AM

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