10-24-2015, 12:24 AM
Hey Bro. I fish a lot of places around the US and worldwide. When live bait is not allowed, stinky objects make a good substitute.
There is one important rig which can make a difference. The sliding rig. Catfish don't like initial resistance on what they are about to chomp on. I use a 10/0 Octopus hook to hold my bait. The hook is tied 2 feet below a swivel and then a sliding egg sinker heavy enough to get the casting distance that you desire as well as allowing it to hold in any type of current.
Bait: Jumbo shrimp or Tiger Prawns are good to use. Purchase them a few days in advance and let them soak in some Mackerel or Anchovie oil. Leave them in the sun for awhile after a good soaking and then soak them some more until you are ready to use them.
Cut fish chunks can also be cured in the same way. It is good to keep a Carp or 2 when you get them on another trip. Their meat tends to soak up the oils well.
(My favorite) I make bait bags from Mackerel that I catch in the ocean and use them for catfish. The bait bags are best made from old or new pantyhose. (inform the wife or girlfriend before making these).
Simply chunk the Mackerel and put in a Ninja blender or a Vitamix if one can be fit into your fishing budget. Blend the Mackerel until it makes a uniform paste. Pour into a bowl and freeze for about 2 hours. (1 hour in a sub zero freezer). Scoop a golfball size lump into the pantyhose and tie off with a knot. Cut above the knot and make a new knot in the open end. Make a new bag and repeat.
Place these bags in the freezer until you are ready to use them for fishing. Your Octopus hook should pierce the little bags.
I have used these bags for Channel Cats, Flatheads, Blue Cats and bigger bags for Mekongs and Redtails.
Give it a try and good luck.
You may want to add some Sardine or Anchovy to the Mackerel. Use the bags frozen and the scent automatically disperses in the water.
Tight lines and hang on when you get one. [cool]
There is one important rig which can make a difference. The sliding rig. Catfish don't like initial resistance on what they are about to chomp on. I use a 10/0 Octopus hook to hold my bait. The hook is tied 2 feet below a swivel and then a sliding egg sinker heavy enough to get the casting distance that you desire as well as allowing it to hold in any type of current.
Bait: Jumbo shrimp or Tiger Prawns are good to use. Purchase them a few days in advance and let them soak in some Mackerel or Anchovie oil. Leave them in the sun for awhile after a good soaking and then soak them some more until you are ready to use them.
Cut fish chunks can also be cured in the same way. It is good to keep a Carp or 2 when you get them on another trip. Their meat tends to soak up the oils well.
(My favorite) I make bait bags from Mackerel that I catch in the ocean and use them for catfish. The bait bags are best made from old or new pantyhose. (inform the wife or girlfriend before making these).
Simply chunk the Mackerel and put in a Ninja blender or a Vitamix if one can be fit into your fishing budget. Blend the Mackerel until it makes a uniform paste. Pour into a bowl and freeze for about 2 hours. (1 hour in a sub zero freezer). Scoop a golfball size lump into the pantyhose and tie off with a knot. Cut above the knot and make a new knot in the open end. Make a new bag and repeat.
Place these bags in the freezer until you are ready to use them for fishing. Your Octopus hook should pierce the little bags.
I have used these bags for Channel Cats, Flatheads, Blue Cats and bigger bags for Mekongs and Redtails.
Give it a try and good luck.
You may want to add some Sardine or Anchovy to the Mackerel. Use the bags frozen and the scent automatically disperses in the water.
Tight lines and hang on when you get one. [cool]