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Tying for the Green...
You shouldn't even need to fish subsurface, unless you just want to. Griffith's gnats when the BWO's aren't hatching (early and late day), and para adams, cdc duns, and cdc cripples (Quigley/Harrop style). Or, you can just fish a cripple all day and be hooked up! Seriously. If its cloudy, you won't know which head to cast to. Its that good. #18's and #20's are best. #16's will work in faster water/riffles.

Messages In This Thread
Tying for the Green... - by remo_5_0 - 04-19-2015, 01:00 AM
Re: [remo_5_0] Tying for the Green... - by Troll - 04-20-2015, 02:50 AM
Re: [remo_5_0] Tying for the Green... - by Tarponjim - 04-20-2015, 11:24 AM

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