04-16-2015, 02:07 AM
I never thought it would happen but I'm posting a report (a late one at that) on the Fly Fishing Forum. Unfortunately this was from my trip to Idaho last week but I know some of y'all fish up there frequently. I spent spring break with my kids around Ashton, Idaho. It was warm, cold, snowy, rainy, etc. Typical Idaho spring weather. Wait 15 minutes and it will change. I was able to hit the Henry's Fork of the Snake River for a couple of days in between shooting trap and playing with kids. Zebra midges in sizes 16-18 were the ticket. I was using size 6-8 rubber legs as an attractor with my indicator set at about 5 feet. I had a blast. All I caught was rainbows and whitefish. I didn't care one bit. On one day, around 3-4pm I got a fish on nearly every other cast. It was insane. Some bigger, some smaller. It didn't matter to me. I was having a blast. I even got hailed on for a while. Didn't seem to bother the fish too much. The cold water of the Snake felt good on my knees. In fact, I think it helped my left knee out and kept it from swelling too much (had surgery a few months ago). I've attached pics of some of the fish I got. Enjoy!