01-19-2015, 10:41 PM
Good on ya for trying something new. That goes for the LCW as well as fly fishing. I have had some luck up that canyon in the past and I really enjoy fishing the smaller streams. I'm definitely not the expert on this forum but it has been my experience that during the colder months, the fish tend to gather in the slower and deeper pools to winter. As you mentioned, they move super slow in the cold water and usually don't want to, or can't fight the faster moving water. The zebra midge was a great choice in my opinion but sometimes in very clear and smaller waters, a big strike indicator (like a thingamabobber) can spook the fish. You might have better luck with a small yarn indicator, or if the water is clear enough, you might be able to see your fly and just go without an indicator all together. When I have fished this stream in the past, I would use a tandem nymph rig with a bead head lead fly and a small midge trailer. I found that I could see the bigger nymph pretty well and would just watch that. It is a thrilling way to nymph fish that you can't really do on most bigger streams. Just start low and work your way up the stream, casting to likely spots. I wouldn't give up on the LCW. Maybe just adjust your approach a little.