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This season so far...
So, I have not had much time to post anything, but here is the condensed version of this fall's hunting (which has been much less than in previous years, unfortunately).

I did not see many elk at all during the archery hunt, and only 1 cow within range. Deer on the other hand were fairly plentiful. I saw some decent bucks, but could not convince myself to fling an arrow after I had a couple run ins with a good 180+" buck. Thought I had him as good as on the wall the second time, quartering away at 45 yards. Took one step out to get a clear shot on his vitals, and got pegged by a doe about 15 feet away. Anyways, I did not shoot an animal on the general archery hunt. Had a couple good shoots of doves, mixed with Eurasians and some pigeons in September. Joined my dad with my dog on the pheasant club the day before the chukar opener as a warm up. Chased chukars a bit in late September to October, with a few coming to hand. Early season duck hunting was not good for me, with low to no water in many of my regular spots. I ended up notching my tag on the extended with a much smaller buck than many I passed up to that point. It gave me a great shot, and most of all my 2 year old son was camped with me, and got to enjoy the experience (main reason I shot it). Hunted 5 days in Wyoming, and did not see the deer we did last year. They finally started to move more and started chasing does the day before we had to leave. Ended up with a 3x3, but much better tasting than tag soup. Got out duck hunting during the little freeze we had a couple weeks ago, and shot my first cinnamon teal drake (headed for the wall). Got out to hunt some quail and pheasant after I got back from Wyoming, and gave them hell for a bit. Still hammering the quail (just got back from a quick 4 hour hunt-the 3 of us limited). Heading out in the morning to chase devil birds.

All in all, not the greatest season ever, but I've had worse.

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This season so far... - by bowhunter3 - 12-07-2014, 12:43 AM

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