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Bear lake 09-10-14 & 09-13-14
Maybe BLFG will get in on the conversation but there could be something like that in the works. Since no native cutt can currently be keep, it seems logical that if this trend continues they might lift the ban on keeping them. As far as adding more restrictions for macks, that is always a possibility but I really haven't noticed a big difference in the numbers of them being caught. Some days are better than others but I can't say their numbers are down. Any time I go up to BL and catch a mack I consider myself lucky. The Gorge supports some impressive numbers of macks but BL has never had huge numbers of them and those never grow to the size that the Gorge produces, mainly because of the lower amounts of bait fish in BL. If they put any restrictions on the BL macks, it should be that none can be kept under 28" but that is just my opinion. Before Ut started giving the cutts a higher priority, it was very common to go up there and not catch any fish, now at least you can expect to catch some cutts on every trip and thats a big plus imo.

Messages In This Thread
Bear lake 09-10-14 & 09-13-14 - by wiperhunter2 - 09-14-2014, 07:47 PM
Re: [Bduck] Bear lake 09-10-14 & 09-13-14 - by wiperhunter2 - 09-15-2014, 05:05 PM

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