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Best Trout Fishing Places This Year?
Many years ago I used to hunt in the mountains above Dahlonega with my now departed Father-in-law. He was a great man that had an innate sense of the outdoors. We'd hunt in the National Forest and I recall one year we thought to take ultralights along as we did some scouting. There was a small creek that was between Rock Creek Lake and Suches. It didn't run into Rock Creek Lake but was instead the headwaters of the Toccoa River. You are very close to the Appalachain Trail but on the other side of the road.

I caught one of the most beautiful native Brook Trout you can imagine and to this day I kick myself for not taking his picture. He was no more than six inches long and as covered by the bright Brookie spots. We took such care to gently release him and back into his hole he went. He was held up where the creek made a bend and it was a little deeper there. You had to kneel and cast side-arm to get the lure in there. I don't even remember what lure we used its been so long ago. It was probably a small inline spinner of some sort.

I know this doesn't provide much but I hope it gives inspiration. Since this time we went through years of drought and I'm sure this little creek probably dried to a trickle. So the odds of that same fish being still there are slim to none. The weather is another factor to consider when thinking about locating natives in GA.

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Re: [Regal-Eagle] Best Trout Fishing Places This Year? - by Fish2DMax - 09-10-2014, 05:26 PM

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