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4 stroke outboard questions
I can feel your pain. I've got a similar electric troller, and it can get me around ok, but for getting TO where you want to fish a gas motor is a definite bonus.
My boat's so old, I've got no tag, but figure a 10 horse is comfortable. I've been through a few motors with it (crappy luck). I've got an 18hp coming from the neighbor, and not sure if I'll bust out the transom if I run it full bore! A healthy 10 put me on a nice plane, and had to slow slowly - or the backwash would wash right over the transom!

I can't say for "how fast" but definitely markedly quicker than the electric on full bore. PLUS - you basically eliminate the time limit a battery impels. But typically I'll run the gas to get where I want to go, then use my electric to putter around, troll, or position myself in a fishing spot. Have used the gas to troll a lake like Hyrum, but trolling Porcupine with downriggers - went from 8am-3pm on a fresh electric, and the slow speed there is great.
Not gonna chase any boils at Willard though!

You can find older motors on KSL, or through the group here. A 4 stroke makes the gas mess easier, but I think the motors are heavier (?). Some small motors don't run off a tank, but take the gas directly, but that also requires you keep it topped up.

Another option is you can have your transom reinforced if you know a good (cheap) welder. Had a buddy who did that, and enjoyed the results.

Just wish I had an electric start! Some motors/boats you can get fancy and rig up a steering wheel even. Depends on your ride I guess.

[inline "David at Newton.jpg"]

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4 stroke outboard questions - by Wormer - 08-19-2014, 01:22 AM
Re: [Wormer] 4 stroke outboard questions - by CoyoteSpinner - 08-20-2014, 02:22 PM
Re: [Wormer] 4 stroke outboard questions - by JLW - 08-21-2014, 08:00 PM

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