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Provo River "Bounce Rig" ??
I pre-tie a few of these to save time on the water.

Unroll some tippet material and tie a dropper loop about a foot from the end. Make it a large loop - 3" to 4" so when you cut one leg, it will be a 6" - 8" dropper. Repeat a foot above that. Cut a foot above that and you have a three-foot Bouncer rig ready to add splitshot and flies. Just tie to your leader.

On the water, I can make one quicker (and without cheater glasses) by using double or triple surgeon's knot dropper loops.

Almost forgot to add: You can also fish this rig quite well with a spinning rod, if your indicator isn't too far up the line. Or fish it without one in a tight-line technique. The fish don't mind.

Messages In This Thread
Provo River "Bounce Rig" ?? - by rgreenland - 07-28-2014, 09:30 PM
Re: [flygoddess] Provo River "Bounce Rig" ?? - by RockyRaab - 07-29-2014, 05:31 PM

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