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Cave Lake and Sunnyside 5/23-5/25
Reference the "man" was the checkpoint or a actual roadblock like a dui checkpoint. Or was is it like they waved you over and just asked questions. Being Law Enforcement they must have probable cause to stop you, in other words they observed a violation of law. They can't stop you (you can't leave ) just to ask if you have a fishing license or to check your catch. If they do a consensual stop (they ask if they can talk to you) and you choose to talk to them) they still can't force you to show a fishing license or your catch just to check. If they see you fishing then they can ask and if you refuse to show the license they can cite you. I realize most people will comply and it is not a big deal to most. Just curious on what exactly the checkpoint was.

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Re: [WalePescado] Cave Lake and Sunnyside 5/23-5/25 - by cacoon - 06-02-2014, 01:56 PM

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