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Lake Mohave Memorial Weekend
Boat and Ski traffic is one thing... Getting ones boat out of the water at that busy azz ramp is a whole different story when one is the driver of both the tow vehicle and boat. Did that once (the Saturday/weekend before Memorial weekend last year) at Katherines and not really into doing it again ever. What a nightmare. Plus there was a random all boats "safety" check going on just to add to the fun that one time. I'd launch from Cottonwood and just burn the boat gas going to the south end before ever launching out of the south end again.

Messages In This Thread
Lake Mohave Memorial Weekend - by BillyH - 05-27-2014, 03:18 PM
Re: [BillyH] Lake Mohave Memorial Weekend - by wolfs4evr - 05-27-2014, 06:02 PM

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