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World Record Laker / Not Released
I looked in the Wyoming regs where I do most my fishing and see that it is "unlawful to take game fish for another person". Does this mean I can't give my mother-in-law a trout to eat? Does this mean if my buddy catches a fish and I catch one and he takes them when I drop him off at his house I'm breaking the law?

I think trophy lake trout should be treated carefully and released as a precious resource. I would think if this guy would have made the proper effort the fish would have lived. But I think enforcing laws to the "letter of the law" often times gets away from the "spirit of the law". I'm pretty sure that everybody that has ever been in the field, if gone over with a fine tooth comb is guilty of something. My feeling is this guy had no malicious intent and I hope he gets off! I watched an undercover DWR guy at the boat ramp a Pelican bust 3 guys for having 31 blue gill. One fish over he confiscated all 31 fish, give them a citation with a hefty fine. One fish over in that situation I think is an honest mistake and a warning would have been plenty. I think the law gets carried away more than is needed IMO.

Messages In This Thread
World Record Laker / Not Released - by castnshoot - 03-02-2014, 09:11 PM
Re: [castnshoot] World Record Laker / Not Released - by Moosedog - 03-03-2014, 12:12 AM

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