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Which motor to get?
Spend the money and get a Minnkota with a digital maximizer and a long shaft. I think I have as much experience or more as the next guy when it comes to motors on toons, tubes or hybrids. Electric or gas.
Gas is nice when you have the tank built into it but they have their hangups Smaller ones that only have a forward gear are a pain in the arse, because there is no reverse. So you have to turn the motor completely around to go in reverse. In fact a gas motor on any kickbot boat is a pain in the arse. Granted, an electic motor and battery are going to be heavier and take up a little more room, but they're instant on and off. Quiet, and pollution free. Remove the head, lengthen the wiring and put it right next to you. I did that for me and Joni more than 10 years ago Worked out real nice.
I also ran a 5 hp motor (Nissan) on my Scadden X5 for a year. At first it was pretty cool and about an hour later I really wished I had an electric motor instead. Getting up in the seat, turning around to pull start it- and it always didn't start on the first pull-, slide back into the seat and turning around to put it into gear gets OLD real fast.
You put it on idle and you're cruising at between 4 and 5 mph. Just letting it idle while I fished, was annoying to me and probably others around me.
I had no frame cracking problem with mine, because it wasn't attached to the frame. Reinforced rear deck (aluminum braces) is strapped across the toons. And being U shaped, I was able to run the toon the other way around without any problem (Zodiac style) Fished Utah, Idaho and Montana waters with that setup. Put the gas motor on the aluminum boat we have and bolted it down.
Put the MinnKota back on and never looked back. The newer digital maximizer motors are more efficient and if you really want to use it all day, a second deep cycle battery can be found at Wally world for under $90.
Now I have a 55 lb thrust. Works good on the X5, Assault XX and I'm sure it'll be fine on the Predator.
If you have a 30, run it and if you want more, time will tell.
Now the way Idahoron uses a motor is different but that's run in a river with a currant. Plus he runs it while he's facing forward.
The idea behind most people running an electric motor on a lake to use it for trolling. Turn the head around, although not everyone does, pulling you through the water backwards so you can cast and troll and turn with your feet. Can't do that with a gas motor (turn with your feet).
Zak Koch (kochanut) ran both electric and gas on his Scadden Avenger for years, But then again, it's Zac Smile

Messages In This Thread
Which motor to get? - by fish_or_die - 02-26-2014, 09:34 PM
Re: [nztube64] Which motor to get? - by idahoron - 02-27-2014, 03:01 AM
Re: [fish_or_die] Which motor to get? - by mojorizing - 03-01-2014, 05:39 PM
Re: [flygoddess] Which motor to get? - by Jim_T - 03-24-2014, 09:02 PM
Re: [Jim_T] Which motor to get? - by flygoddess - 03-24-2014, 09:42 PM
Re: [flygoddess] Which motor to get? - by Jim_T - 03-24-2014, 11:37 PM
Re: [Jim_T] Which motor to get? - by flygoddess - 03-24-2014, 11:53 PM

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